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  1. G

    CPUs & Real-world Gameplay Scaling

    Since Kyle and I talked about this a couple weeks ago, in the sense that I said "Gee, I'd like to see. . " and he said "stay tuned", I thot it incumbent on me to drop by and say Thanks for making it happen. I hope the obvious appreciation here from your regulars will encourage you to make it...
  2. G

    Beyond3D Forums Close & Delete Benchmarking Discussion.

    "Assigned" wasn't the word I used, tho if someone got that impression then I'm happy to have it corrected. Tho you might consider the exact opposite of what you posted --that NV found the kind of person who enjoys B3D-like conversations predominately attractive for the program.
  3. G

    Beyond3D Forums Close & Delete Benchmarking Discussion.

    Well, no, just the ones who actually are game developers or hardware engineers --and probably the highest percentage (tho still low) on any major graphics forum around. Why do you think it rated three AEG'ers? (your post count doesn't qualify you as a regular to be #4). It is a pity that it...
  4. G

    Beyond3D Forums Close & Delete Benchmarking Discussion.

    You really want to do something useful for the community (and, yeah, it's even more work), start adding a greater variety of cpu's to the benchmarks. If not for every game tested, then at least a special section with a representative selection with a mid-range cpu and a lower-end mainstream...
  5. G

    Beyond3D Forums Close & Delete Benchmarking Discussion.

    Are we having fun yet guys? :) I tend to think Kyle got bored and decided to have some fun with a mini-site-war to liven up a Monday! After all, what I like about him is he is very much of the community, "one of us" going way back. For good and ill. ;) Tho, since I'm here, I see that...
  6. G

    How Far We Have Come

    It seems to me that the [H] policy is based on two levels of trust --one where there is none at all, and the second where there is trust as an article of faith. The first, is in anything going on that isn't directly tactile or in your face --don't care, don't wanna know, they're making...