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  1. D

    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    Ok, so I'm going to use the DFI board for a few months, then I'll buy a nice quad core with a new motherboard if I need the performance.. I'd probably go with the X58 chipset. So here's what my build looks like: EVGA GTX260 Core 216 - $150 with $10 MIR Corsair 750TX - $110 with $20 MIR...
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    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    I realize this is maybe not the best time to introduce this question, but it looks like I could build an intel system around the Q6600 and a GTX 260 that IF it overclocks well, would give me better performance (in most cases) than the AMD setup. I've just always gone with AMD, and as you can...
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    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    Yea I think the 512 will be enough for me, as a monitor upgrade is well down the road. I can then reconsider my card options and resell the 512 (as I'm reselling the 8800GTS now). 750 quad? - NVM, the power supply. :)
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    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    Yea, it's definitely NOT a lateral upgrade. I figure the PCP&C I linked should be sufficient into the future, as I would LIKE the option to grab a second 4870 and say a 25 or 28 inch monitor down the road. Although if that's the case, should I ignore the great deal I'm getting on the 720 +...
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    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    Ok Here's my list: $109.99 - GIGABYTE GA-MA790X-UD4P $109.99 - $15 MIR -PC Power & Cooling S75CF 750W $49.99 - G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2-1066 $164.99 - $30 MIR - ASUS EAH4870 DK TOP/HTDI/512MD5 Radeon HD 4870 512MB $135.99 - $35 combo w/ 4870 - Phenom II X3 720 BE Total = 545.95 +...
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    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    LoL! I literally just put that combo in my cart, came and checked this post to see if anyone had replied.... That's awesome, in a geeky, creepy way... I was wondering if I should go with a 4870 with 1GB though, but I figure at 1680x1050, really the only game that MIGHT need that extra 512...
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    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    Yea I was thinking I could get it all, minus that power supply (unless you really think the OCZ I have, which is the 520 watt, won't be enough for that setup). But it seems to be a lateral upgrade in power supplies. "In a month or so" means two paychecks from now :) I was thinking I would get...
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    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    Well with option two, I have the HD 4870 in there; With an overclocked 720 (still deciding on the cooling btw), Do you think WIC will have a good 20-40 fps at 1680x1050, with most if not all options on (AA and AF most likely excluded for a smoother ride). I figure just upgrading my cpu/mobo...
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    Upgrade video card + PSU or core system (CPU, etc.)?

    Hi all, My Current System: MSI K8N NEO4 Platinum SLI AMD ATHLON 64 x2 3500+ (overclocked to about 4200+ speeds) 2x1gb DDR 400 8800GTS - 640mb (don't remember the manufacturer) OCZ ModStream 520W PSU (MIGHT be 450, have to double check when I get home)...
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    FS: AMD X2 3800+ Skt939, 2x1GB Patriot DDR400

    YHPM interested in CPU, nice deal!
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    enermax psu and opty 144

    bump! Look for a PM
  12. D

    Opteron 165 MSI Neo4 SLI Water cooling SCSI

    Hi dude, I've seen that name used over on the MSI forums. I have the same motherboard and have a winchester core... can you guess which thread I've seen you on? lol sharing your frustration with the board, I was interested in most of your parts except for that board lol, I'm trying to get OUT...
  13. D

    Is it possible to convert a RAID 0 array?

    Thanks, I pretty much figured that was the case. I've had nothing but problems running RAID on my board. Using the NVIDIA raid wouldn't even install windows, I guess you have to make a special windows xp disc as windows overwrites the drivers during install...which causes the install to crash...
  14. D

    Is it possible to convert a RAID 0 array?

    Hi, after rading a post about the lack of performance increase going to a striped array, I would like to either use my hard drives more efficiently as a RAID 1 array (for redundancy), or as simply two seperate drives (one for "programs", one for "storage" or something similar). My question is...
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    Does a few degrees make a significant difference in overclocking my 3000+ Winnie?

    excellent, I think I will go with the Zalman CNPS7000B as I can get it pretty cheap at frozen (I'll be out in NY next week so I'm going to their store). It's only a few dollars more than getting some generic cooler and it looks like that extra cooling will help the winchester hit higher speeds...
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    Can't find info on my Winchester 3000+ stepping

    OH NOES! You're not supposed to tell me that. You say: "Yes! That will do 4Ghz on air!" damn. At least it was free. I'm hoping to hit the equivalent of a 3500+ at the minimum. Is the default multiplier on this chip 9? I looked at the OC database before but the LBBID (what I have) isn't...
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    Does a few degrees make a significant difference in overclocking my 3000+ Winnie?

    Considering my winnie was free, I guess spending the extra 25 bucks is worth getting 200Mhz (maybe). I would have to buy a cooler in either case. To further clarify, if going from stock to the hyper 6+ got you that increase, would shaving another celsius off your temp gain you more performance?
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    Can't find info on my Winchester 3000+ stepping

    I am receiving a free winchester from a friend in exchange for helping him set up his new computer. It's an Athlon 64 3000+ So far, from the serial number I've determined it is a winchester and it's voltage, but I don't know how this particular unit has fared (I've looked in quite a few OC...
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    Does a few degrees make a significant difference in overclocking my 3000+ Winnie?

    Pretty much as the title says. I'm looking to save money in my system and I know most people will say that I'm a noob for going with a $20 HSF compared to the xp-90c, but I'm wondering if shaving a celsius or two is going to make any difference in my overclock. My reasoning is this, if...
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    4x512mb vs. 2x1gig

    You aren't wrong, the P4 performs pretty well with 4x512 though.
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    4x512MB Mushkin PC3200 on MSI K8N NEO4 and A64 3000+

    Ok, due to newegg not having the same ram as what's in my computer, and a few other factors, I've decided to go with 2x1GB sticks. However, I'm trying to decide the most cost effective way to go here. 1) buy some cheap 2x1gb ocz, corsair, etc. "value" ram for around $180-$200 2) buy 1GB of...
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    4x512MB Mushkin PC3200 on MSI K8N NEO4 and A64 3000+

    Ok, then I'm going to buy the other 2 sticks of Mushkin and see how it works w/ 4. I'll report my findings/OC'ing process if anyone will be interested.
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    4x512MB Mushkin PC3200 on MSI K8N NEO4 and A64 3000+

    Thanks for the reply eclipse, I've read a bunch of your posts and you're quite knowledgeable so I appreciate the input. Quick question, you said that it may or may not break 200mhz with the winchester core, this goes back to part of my question, does that 200mhz refer to the HTT/FSB? Or the...
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    4x512MB Mushkin PC3200 on MSI K8N NEO4 and A64 3000+

    Hi everyone, I'm going to be upgrading a friends computer and helping him overclock it. In retrun, he is giving me the motherboard and cpu listed (I'm hoping it's a venice core at least but won't be picky). I'm trying to figure out how I will be overclocking this setup, as I've read some...