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  1. P

    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    This is really more a generic question about LCD's vs. CRT's in general, but I have been holding on to my CRT because I love the picture quality (I use it for DVDs, games, and general home office stuff). If I were to switch to LCD it would be this monitor. What's the comparison? How can I make a...
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    Leave Dell 2405FPW on?

    Hey Providence, how does your PS2 work out on the 24" LCD? Everyone keeps talking about scaling problems, jaggies, ghosts, etc. -- are you experiencing that.
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    Comparison of VGA converter to PCI TV card?

    Thanks -- I guess my question is, HOW MUCH better would the component > VGA conversion be than s-video? Would it be $80 better?
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    Comparison of VGA converter to PCI TV card?

    I currently use a PCI TV card (the Compro Gold Plus) to convert my PS2 games onto my CRT monitor (using just the standard component cable). I have been contemplating getting one of the component to VGA converter boxes (e.g. the VD-23 or X2VGA) to improve the quality of the video feed. However...
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    Another topic about a display for console gaming (I know, I know..)

    From reading many, many threads here it seems like there are quite a number of problems with getting consoles to play well with LCD monitors: 1. Upscaling. Most consoles are built for old-school TVs. LCDs have fixed resolution. Scaling from PS2 or Wii to console dimensions ruins the picture...
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    Samsung 215TW Impressions!!! (DVD, Satellite, Xbox)

    zero002021 (or anyone else), have you tried out Playstation 2 on this monitor? What are the results for different games so far?
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    Is the risk worth the savings at Dell Outlet?

    Any other thoughts on this? The $$$ difference is enough to make me think about the savings as banking towards the next monitor. Of course, I just made this mistake with not getting the warranty for a laptop and am paying $$$$ for it. :mad: Maybe I shouldn't make the same mistake twice.
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    Is the risk worth the savings at Dell Outlet?

    I missed the recent markdown on the 2007WFP (now $399) and am now eyeing the refurb 2007WFP (now $280). While the new model comes with a 3-yr warranty, the refurb has only 180 days. I can't seem to find an option to upgrade the warranty. Is it completely insane to save $120 (30%) and lose 2.75...
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    Dell UltraSharp 2007FPW = $339.00!?

    It's back up to $399 and free shipping is gone. I was waiting for the $20 Paypal coupon, but that never came through, those slimebags. Anyway, I guess I'm stuck playing the waiting game until the price goes back down again. It's $279 refurb, but with only 90-day warranty. Opinions anyone...