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  1. B

    3700+ vs. 3800+ X2

    I just built a computer for a friend using an A64 3700+. It is a very fast and stable system, and they are really happy with it. I told them about dual core, but they do not multitask or even encode movies and such, and chose to do without. Because of this, they were able to afford a faster...
  2. B

    AMD or Intel

    In my current system, I'm using an Athlon 64, socket 754 (I'd tell you the core and speed, but I forgot, and I'm at work, but it's around 2Ghz). In my previous system I used an Ahtlon socket A (Thoroughbread) 1.2Ghz. And before that I used an Abit BP6 with dual Celeron 400's. I choose not...
  3. B

    The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

    This is my BFG 6800 'vanilla' OC. One of the two original fans broke within the first two weeks of my card's life. The plastic part of the fan actually split in half, so upgrading my cooling solution was a necessity. The Arctic Cooling NV-Silencer is quiet, keeps the card cool, and is...