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  1. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    JOKE OF THE DAY: Womens Rights hahaha
  2. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    A guy walks into the house with a sheep under his arm, his wife is in the rocking chair and he says "see the Pig you made me sleep with last night because you didn't want to ---?" The wife says "thats not a pig you idiot that's a sheep" and the guy says "I was talking to the...
  3. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    thats it? thats how this thread is going to end? with a call-me-to-help-translate joke? This is Pathetic people! Get on this s^&#T and post some interesting stuff...
  4. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    yeah why would you say that? thats not nice at all. new topic anyone notice the barrier in rendering between the two cards in sli mode while playing games? or how much can i overclock my 4800 x2?
  5. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    ancutdi....uhh, what? are you babbling dude? yeah new egg does ship fastest. They ship on saturday mornings.
  6. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    i agree, monarch is better priced than newegg and just as efficient. They speak english and give plenty of confirmation emails. They even called me to confirm a change of shipping address at the last minute. Recommend. Got my amd x2 4800, corsair ram, raptor hdd's and one of my bfg7800's off...
  7. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    its all about the 2-2-2-5 ram though. with the sli 7800's the bottleneck is always the cpu/ram.
  8. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    and no, it didn't cost me my soul. This will be the 3rd comp I've built, I've never bought a preassembled computer and I don't believe in it. 1st one I built was a P II 450mhz. At the time the 550mhz was the fastest thing around. 2nd one I built was for freshmen year college and it was a...
  9. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    It's a Zippy power supply from for $300 something I believe. the hitachi 500gbs wont come for a while and I probably won't get 3 of them.
  10. N

    Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

    Yes, I got an X2. Here are the specs to the system I just ordered all the parts for. Foundation: - 700 watt 35A x2 12V rail power supply - Coolermaster Pianoblack Wavemaster aluminum atx case - 2 Plextor PX-716AL black slot-loading superdrives - Zalman copper-blue LED cpu heatsink...