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    People Sleep, Shower, Use Toilet With Their Phones

    Does having the phone on the sink blasting music while I'm in the shower count as having it with me when I shower?
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    85,000 Oculus Rift Dev Kits Sold

    In this thread: People not understanding that a development kit isn't supposed to sell millions because it's not a finished product. The fact that they've sold 85k of a product that is not finished is freaking amazing and a strong testament to how much people are excited about
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    Twitter: Hashtags and At-replies Are Being Phased Out

    Keep in mind that Twitter the company didn't come up with hashtags; its users did. The hashtag was created in response to the site having horrible search capabilities. If whatever they come up with that removes hashtags doesn't work just as well, you can be sure that Twitter users will just come...
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    Newegg Introduces Three-Day Shipping

    That's easy to place. I don't know if you noticed all the nag screens, but this site has a financial stake in people using that Hoverhound extension, which is only useful if people don't buy directly from Newegg and instead get buy on Amazon. So you can take any mocking post about Newegg on the...
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    Chromecast - Netflix Promo Cancelled After One Day

    It lasted about as long as the supply of Chromecasts did... Completely sold out at Amazon and Best Buy. Ordering from Google has a 3-4 week wait before shipping.
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    Sony Still Not Answering DRM and Used Games Questions

    When Valve requires online activation and blocks used game sales, people gloss over it when discovering how much they love Steam. When console companies have basically the exact same requirement (except MS and Sony actually say that they have some type of yet-to-be-revealed trade-in scheme)...
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    Google Demands Shut Down of Microsoft's YouTube App

    Microsoft's official response to Google: via ArsTechnica
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    EA Drops Gun Makers, Not Their Guns

    The sole reason they did this was because there were actually a large and growing group of people starting to think that buying games that give funds to gun manufacturers via licensing fees is immoral. The result of the licensing fees is that gamers were giving money to gun manufacturers who in...
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    Microsoft Reports Record 2Q Revenue of $21.5B

    Look at it this way, then. Microsoft is roughly bringing in $15.1 billion per quarter. It expects costs for FY 2013 to be $30.3 billion. This leaves $30.1 billion in profit minus some extraneous expenses that might've occurred. They're doing pretty well, I'd say.
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    Blizzard Doesn't Like Windows 8 Either

    It's like all the companies that have spent millions of dollars trying to build up their own online distribution system ( is scheduled to start selling third party games), feel that Windows 8 with it's built-in Windows Store are bad for their bottom line. Shocker! Waiting for EA's...
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    Distribution of Film to Cease by 2013 in the US

    More theaters are ready for the transition than you think, if my local theater ( is any guide. They moved to 100% DLP projectors for their 7 screens last year when they added 3D. This in a town with a population of 3,000, and a county population of 40,000.
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    Official Crysis 2 Thread

    "Yes the graphics suck and you all know why." Crytek wanted to make money on the sequel by letting more than 1% of gamers be able to play the game?
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    Critical Flash Flaw Won't Be Fixed Until Next Week

    Google released an auto-update to Flash in Chrome yesterday, so Chrome users don't need to worry about it. This is why I prefer Google integrating/managing Flash in my browser. They take patches more seriously than Adobe...
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    AT&T To Cap DSL Internet Data Usage At 150GB

    I would kill to have the option to get DSL where I live. At the moment, the only broadband option I have here in southern Indiana is satellite. You think 150GB limit is bad? Satellite has a 5 GB limit, after which your speed is slowed to dial-up rates. I haven't gotten it because I frankly...
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    MSI N560GTX Ti Twin Frozr II OC Give-away!

    Retro-futuristic? In any case, very steely. I want one. ;-)
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    Google Pulls 21 Malware-Infected Android Apps

    There's a difference between screening for malware and banning apps for things like "duplicating built-in functionality" or being "made with a banned SDK." As long as Apple does those things, you can be damned sure that they're going to be criticized for controlling the App Store(TM the way they do.
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    Coupon Users Furious Over Proposed Tax

    This isn't anything new for many states. I'm pretty sure a large number of them make you pay sales tax on the full price for an item with a coupon from a manufacturer. Coupons from a store count as a store sale, so aren't taxed. For example, here in Indiana, if you have a winning cap from a soft...
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    Steam Hardware Survey: January 2010

    Oh, also nice to see. The adoption rates for 64 bit Windows 7 are almost completely opposite of Vista's. 68.3% of Windows 7 users use the 64-bit version compared to 68.4% of Windows Vista users choosing the 32-bit version.
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    Steam Hardware Survey: January 2010

    What I find interesting: Total Win Vista users (32 + 64 bit): 27.91% (-2.8% change) Total Win 7 users (32 + 64 bit): 28.53% (+5.47% change) Total Win XP users (32 + 64 bit): 42.78% (-2.63% change) 56.44% of people use either Vista or W7, with W7 quickly becoming the OS of choice.
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    $70k For Broadband Installation

    The exact same reason 80% of the country wouldn't have electricity right now if it weren't for FDR's Rural Electrification Act. It bothers me when some people say "screw rural areas" when it comes to broadband. I'm sure people said the same thing about electricity before the 1940s. And it was...
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    $70k For Broadband Installation

    Why not? Take HughesNet for example. At the best home plan rate, you're allowed 500 MB of download per 24 hours (with 2.0 Mbps DL / 300 Kbps UL speeds). After that, they limit your connection to something close to dial-up. For $120/month. (After spending $250 for the equipment). Also add a...
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    White House Launches iPhone Application

    Oh, there has been. Unfortunately, the Republican mods at the app store keep rejecting it regardless of the quality of the programming.
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    Why Texting Donations Can Take Weeks

    WRONG! Places like the Red Cross use the amount counted in text messages as a form of collateral. Sending $10 via text instantly tells the Red Cross that they can go ahead borrow from their operations fund to pay for operations in Haiti.
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    Bing Gets an iPhone App

    Or it could be like my Blackberry Storm which automatically installed a Bing app icon on my main screen without any notice.
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    UK Royal Navy Issues PSPs to Sailors for Training

    I would've thought a netbook would've been better, too. Perhaps Sony is making the governmental rounds promoting their products. Bulk order discounts?
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    Video Game Sales Improve Slightly in September

    I have a feeling that at least 2/3 of MW2 players won't care.
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    The CIA is Monitoring Your Tweets

    You know, Steve, hating Twitter might be fun, but most of the posts there look exactly like the responses in this forum. Pretty standard communication. The difference being that instead of having to see posts by anyone who feels like it, you have a choice in only reading some people's posts...
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    Why Email No Longer Rules…

    I haven't sent or received a personal email in two years or so. All of my friends and family use social networking sites to communicate... and these days, mostly Facebook, with some Twitter mixed in. The only thing I use email for is to receive newsletters, sales receipts, and signing up for...
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    Intel Core i7 Full System Drawing @ [H]

    Nice system! Count me in. I have the 23.6" version of that monitor that I'm using for my Xbox360, and it rocks. I would love to have one for my PC.
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    Now The EU Is Messing With Light Bulbs?

    Get 100 people to buy light bulbs. Ask them what the benefit for listing wattage is. I can almost guarantee that at least 95 of those 100 will say that the main reason that they use wattage listings is for brightness of the bulb. Wattage should be in small text on the back in a specifications...
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    Google Growth Slows Dramatically in 1Q

    Why so pessimistic of a headline? CNN's is "Google profit beats estimates" Net income for the three months ended March 31 totaled $1.42 billion, or $4.49 per share, compared with $1.31 billion, or $4.12 per share, a year ago. Sales rose almost 6% to $5.51 billion from $5.19 billion last year.
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    Broadband Price War Brews

    I'd be happy with ANY broadband. The local cable company (Charter) hasn't touched the their lines since they put them in 20 years ago (seriously, you can only get basic cable on them), and I'm a few miles outside of Verizon's DSL range. If I moved 10 miles in any direction but west, I'd be...
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    So who's HAPPY with Vista SP1?!

    Other than having to download the 65ish MB with my dial-up connection, not a single issue installing and running it.
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Please consider me entered!