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  1. B

    "D" to 1000 Boxen and Borging Mayhem! (F@H)

    New Pentium M 1.6GHz laptop 725-1=724
  2. B

    problem with EM

    Thanks for the replies LPerry. Deleting the left-over files did the trick for my troublesome clients. Thanks for 3.1.7 :)
  3. B

    problem with EM

    Has anyone ever experienced a problem where EM stops showing the progress of a WU on a box and refuse to update it until the client starts a new unit? I've had this problem pretty consistently with a box that I monitor remotely (it doesn't say 'Possible Network Error,' it just says 'Status...
  4. B

    "D" to 1000 Boxen and Borging Mayhem! (F@H)

    Added a P4@3GHz and a [email protected] at work and they're folding at least in the evening/early morning hours. Both are hyperthreading, so I have two folding clients running on each. So, 2 boxen, or quasi-4 boxen. Depends how you look at it. I wish [H]F wouldn't have reset my's...