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  1. N


    nope there isnt..... at OCAU we have a "Delete Post" Option. But theres nothing that u mentioned there either... Can a mod please close this thread?
  2. N


    OCAU is back ahead :D hahahaha looks like u'll have to give that trophy back :p
  3. N

    Less than 50,000 Points to go!

    well we might have a lil more actually... if all 3 of these are up again after school holidays or whenever... although that 200k u mentioned b4 is sceggs, we could have double that i wish you the best of luck :D
  4. N

    Less than 50,000 Points to go!

    sorry to tell you but our winter hasnt even started yet :p
  5. N

    Celebration may be premature!!!

    Stop ya whingin your goin against us aussies here ;) :p
  6. N

    Celebration may be premature!!!

    yeh i know... :( im gonna start folding again :D , (coz over summer my room gets uncomfortably hot), may the best folder win, and beleive me we will ;) :p hehe
  7. N

    Overtake REAL close!!

    some of them were tryin to trick our guys to fold for u's by tellin em ocau was team 33, others where in the troubleshooting forums and like if some1 posted there cpu was too hot they answered "change ur team to team 33 that will cool it right down" :rolleyes: lol, gotta admit i did laugh
  8. N

    Celebration may be premature!!!

    i would not be surprised if they had that many lol
  9. N

    Celebration may be premature!!!

    Next tuesday one of our big contributors will be back with updated machines All P4 3Ghz... they are estimating the points output will be 200000 a day, they are a school with plenty of computers :p OCAU #1 :D
  10. N

    Don't believe in a cure for cancer

    we'll see mate ;)