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  1. G

    No video when playing movies

    Ok, I pulled one of my 7600gt's and bam its working again
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    No video when playing movies

    Im using WMP, I have updated all the codecs, I tried the VLC player same thing no video, and im trying to play wma video files
  3. G

    No video when playing movies

    Im using WMP, I have updated all the codecs, I tried the VLC player same thing no video,
  4. G

    No video when playing movies

    Recently moved started comp back up again after move and no video play back. I updated all video codecs and i'm running out of things to try. It started working for a day but then after shut down it didnt work any more. Any helps apperciated
  5. G

    delete me

  6. G

    WD 500gb only showing 127gb

    That i do not know. But it was showing 500gb in WD data life tools.
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    WD 500gb only showing 127gb

    its self made disc, It shows that its SP2 in system properties
  8. G

    WD 500gb only showing 127gb

    I'm sorry I know this has been done to death, But My Xp Pro disk has SP2 slipstreamed into it and I'm still showing only 127gb's. I read all the articales in the sticky thread and it dosent say anything if you already have SP2 installed and its still showing as 127gb. Any help would be appreciated.
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    Ram running slow

    Yes, I got the ram running at 201Mhz from CPU-z my timmings are 3.0-4-4-8-11-16, But my system is still runs slow. Apps take longer then they should to open. Can I get my ram up to 250mhz?
  10. G

    Ram running slow

    beuller, buellar??
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    Can i run games on a 61"tv??

    I'm gettin a new tv soon and gonna use it as my monitor. DO yout ink my computer can run the games at good resoultion? specs are in my profile thanks chris
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    Ram running slow

  13. G

    Ram running slow

    Just tell me what info you need and i'll get it for you. The ram is ion the blue slots of the mother board.
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    Ram running slow

    I got new ram awhile ago and overclocked alil bit and havent even look'd at anything in a while since my move. I was looking at CPU-z last night and saw that my ram is running at 166.7Mhz. My ram timings are 3.0-3-3-6-16-16. Can someone help me getting this straight my system is running really...
  15. G

    Green Bar on left side of screen after SLI upgrade

    After I upgraded to 2 7600gt's all my games have a green bar going from the bottom to the top on the left side on the monitor. It also moves around like its a progress bar for loading or something. Any ideas?
  16. G

    OCing advice

    I have 2 1gb kits of G-Skill HZ ddr500 Sry for the small screenshot, I"m having problems blowin it up. I got the Cpu to 2.5ghz. The FSB is at 250mhz and the mulitplier is at 10. I have not touch'd the CPU Voltage or the Ram timings or dividers. What you think my next move should be?
  17. G

    OCing advice

    I got my FSB up tp 250 but my ram is only running at 158mhz. Should I tighting my ram timings? Would like to hear what you guys think my next move should be. [/IMG]
  18. G

    Updating BIOS on A8N-SLI deluxe

    I do not have a floppy drive on my system. How can i update the bios without a floppy drive? Asus's website didnt show a procedure without a floppy drive. Thanks for any replies
  19. G

    7600gt fan noise?

    Think these fans will fit my 2 XFX 7600gt's in sli?? also what program are you using to OC your evga card?
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    Cant get past 220FSB on Asus A8n deluxe

    Should i Change the Divider or is this ram klling my OCing, If it is the ram, are there any 2gb kits that are good for overclocking??
  21. G

    Memory upgrade for dell diemsion 8250???

    I"m all in favor of dumping that heap of crap, But it's my friends dad computer and his dad is a tight ass and dosent wanna listen about upgrading to a new comp. His computer still has service pack 1 on it!!!!! and he wont let me fix it.
  22. G

    Memory upgrade for dell diemsion 8250???

    Do i have to get this ram from Dell? newegg dosent have that ram.
  23. G

    Cant get past 220FSB on Asus A8n deluxe

    I"m tried almost everything except touching the ram settings. Want'd to get some advice before I start messing with the ram timings and what not. Anyone with my MBhave any ideas?
  24. G

    Memory upgrade for dell diemsion 8250???

    My friends dad wants to upgrade his crappy dell. I went to dells website to see what ram it takes, And it has PC1066 in it!!! what crap. My question is can I put Pc-3200 in this things to speed it up a bit??
  25. G

    Hit a wall OCing

    Anyother ideas? Or can someone point out a guide that I might have missed about OC'ing ram?
  26. G

    Networking problem

    My friends is having a problem with the wired network I setup. Theres 2 computers, His fathers Xp home SP1. And his computer XP pro SP2. The father is very uptight about people touching his computer and he wont let me fix the SP2 install. He's got roadrunner cable, And I got a Linksys router...
  27. G

    Hit a wall OCing

    I got the FSB at 225mhz and thats all i can get it up too. I'm at 2.42ghz at that as far it'll go before it wont boot. I have a 2gb OCZ ram kit, Can I adjust the ram timings to get a higher FSB? If so how do I do this i never play'd with ram timings. Let me knwo what you guys think. Heres...
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    Lookin to switch to dual core need advice

    Doing alot of reading ans seeing people are getting 2.9ghz on air and very stable. That looks good to me.
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    Whats the biggest HS Wavemaster can fit?

    I'm gonna go to there website now and check. THanks for the help.
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    Lookin to switch to dual core need advice

    Are the opteron's good compared to the X2's?? I've read aolt of people have those.
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    Lookin to switch to dual core need advice

    Whisch Dual cores are the best for OCing?
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    Whats the biggest HS Wavemaster can fit? This is the HS i wanna get
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    Whats the biggest HS Wavemaster can fit?

    I switching to a wavemastercase with the removable MB tray. Curious if any one has one with a Sp 120mm HS. Cause thats what i'm lookin to run.
  34. G

    Lookin to switch to dual core need advice

    I'm currently running a Venice core 3500. Im thinking of switching to a dual core. I mostly do dvd burning, gaming, and overclockin. What do you guys think i should look at as well as ram, or anyhting thing else u think I should get.
  35. G

    Need Win Xp advice

    Yea that whats i was figuring on doing. Now do you think i'll have a problem trying to run the apps on the the slave drive being that its now a slave drive??
  36. G

    Need Win Xp advice

    My friends father computer has Service Pack 1 on it. Tried to install SP2 but it wouldnt install , it stops 75% threw and says something is wrong dont remember what it was. The computer is for busniess use so He dosent wanna lose any of the info. Plus I wanna switch it to XP pro instead of Home...
  37. G

    Good Gaming Keyboard?

    I got the Zboard, and i love it. But its whatever floats your boat
  38. G

    Far Cry Crashes to desk top

    Anyone Else, Come on I'm dying to finish this game! :(
  39. G

    Far Cry Crashes to desk top

    I'm losing my mind now. Right at the end of the swamp when riding the nuke with val to take it to the lab. As soon as it goes to load the next board it crashes to the desktop. I have all the updates and re-installed all the updates. Please someone help
  40. G

    FS:74gb raptor, xms2, lga775 cpu, wavemaster...more up'd 10/29

    intrested in the case if you wanna sell it, I'm in queens also