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  1. S

    slipstream SP2 into XP

    I think I am missing something here. Do you mean if I slipstream it will automatically install the patches before it installs SP2. All the patches I listed are from the HP site, to be done before installing SP2.
  2. S

    slipstream SP2 into XP

    I see, so if I need to recover I will do what I have done once. Recover then install the patches, then SP2. I am going to forget the slipstream idea. Thanks
  3. S

    slipstream SP2 into XP

    I don't understand your answer, I had to install all these update patches before installing SP2 (SP26352) (SP26330) (SP26286) (SP26371) (SP26333
  4. S

    slipstream SP2 into XP

    I have seen a lot written about slipstreaming SP2 into XP recovery disc. Now before I installed SP2 I had to install a lot of patches. One I remember if not done, restore would not work right. I have not seen it mentioned anywhere, would you not have to install the patches into recovery disc...