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  1. C

    Portuguese ISP Shows Us What the Net Looks like without Net Neutrality

    Yeah, but trying to make it illegal for someone to buy services the whiners wouldn't personally purchase is all the rage in tech these days.
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    Body Cam Study Shows No Effect on Police Use of Force or Citizen Complaints

    You would only expect an impact if there was a statisically significant number of cops doing thing they shouldn't AND bodycam footage leads to a statistically significant increase in punishments for cops. If the worst thing the bodycam does for you is make you look bad, who cares?
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    World Will Need “Carbon Sucking” Technology by 2030s, Scientists Warn

    Most of these stupid schemes only look attractive of you leave elements out of the analysis. This one doesn't even manage to do that.
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    World Will Need “Carbon Sucking” Technology by 2030s, Scientists Warn

    Is this the thread where half of us freak out about the predictions of people whose previous predictions were always wrong? Cool!
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    MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries Hands On Preview

    This game sounds like everything I want in a MW game. Hopefully they can execute.
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    Panos Panay: The Surface Line Isn’t Going Anywhere

    I think this usually goes like so: 1. Scoop released that company is doing X 2. People "in the know" deny it 3. It happens exactly as originally reported
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    The FCC Should Regulate Facebook Like AIM

    It is never forced on you. You are not required by law to have social media accounts. Nobody will shoot you or lock you in a cage if you use or don't use those services. So...precisely the opposite of Zarathustra's proposal. And no, he's not saying if you want to make the trade you have to opt...
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    The FCC Should Regulate Facebook Like AIM

    This, exactly. Don't like it? Don't use it. I don't (albeit for other reasons) and my life is just fine. What if I want to trade privacy for some service? That's my business, not yours. Zarathustra is just saying "there are trades I wouldn't make, so nobody else should be allowed to make them...
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    NASA Will Put Humans on the Moon Again

    No doubt. I'm 100% against public rail, but if you're just going to shoot the money into space for bragging rights then hell, might as well build a train.
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    Equifax Ex-CEO Backs Plan To Stop Using Social Security Numbers As ID

    Is that an actual example? I'd run through a card every two days if all of my financial and other secure services required me to use a key.
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    Why Do Some Games Take Up So Much Storage Space?

    Oh God, what have you done? This is like "Bloody Mary" for the audiophiles.
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    The Secret Cost of Pivoting to Video

    ...but I like Kyle's low-quality video production :(
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    New Banking Program Allows Customers in Poverty to Use Biometrics

    Seems like it would be cheaper to just issue them an id card. Maybe for the homeless there's concern it woukd be stolen.
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    Google Now Hates Socialism Too

    One reply in and we're already at "I can't be wrong, it must be your unconscious bias." I'm pretty certain this stuff has been studied at UCLA and liberal bias in news media was confirmed. Regardless, I live in Ohio, a swing state, and based on your made up criteria I claim the absolute...
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    Google Is Close to Buying HTC

    Hopefully not the VR business :( I don't need room-scale spyware.
  16. C

    Why I Deleted My Steam Account

    If you zoom out far enough from a thousand completely different wires, totally unrelated to one another, and squint just the right way you can pretend it's a single length of cable.
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    Users Navigate Flat UI Designs 22 Percent Slower

    Ugh, yes. Icons are basically heiroglyphs, so now we have to learn shitty archaic language types for every app.
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    Users Navigate Flat UI Designs 22 Percent Slower

    They're also the best example of doing it piss poorly. The flat ui for the new style windows apps is attrocious. "I know, let's remove window borders so the focused app UI bleeds with the surroundings"! Jackasses.
  19. C

    Huawei Unveils Kirin 970 AI Processor

    That's prpbably what the AI processor is for. Ad selection.
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    Apple Staffers Reportedly Rebelling against Open Office Plan at New $5 Billion HQ

    Yes. They are already getting pushback from shareholders over the current costs. Open plans often allocate ~3 times less individual space per employee than a closed plan. Apple wants to put 12,000 people in their new facility. That's a lot of scratch saved just in square footage. The open plan...
  21. C

    Apple Staffers Reportedly Rebelling against Open Office Plan at New $5 Billion HQ

    In a past life I designed office space. Cubes/open plans are purely a cost cutting measure, mostly driven by the costs of adjusting the mechanicals and sprinkler systems.
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    Lian-Li Announces Availability of the DK-05 Motorized Adjustable PC Desk

    It's not part of the marketing gimmicks, but the real use to a facilities department is supporting office moves without needing to devote maintenance staff resources to adjusting fab desk heights. As a user it's also nice to adjust the desk to different heights for different seating postures...
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    Google Chrome with Native Ad Blocker Now in the Wild

    Depends on the ad network, but usually clicks. For most commercial purposes impressions (views) are next to worthless.
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    AMD Ryzen Threadripper Specs and Pricing Officially Revealed

    That 1900x @ 3.8 is looking tasty. August 31, though =/ Hopefully the [H] crew hops on the OC tests quick. I've relied on them for so long I no longer know how to buy a part without Pope Kyle blessing it first.
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    Blizzard Shuts Down Legacy WoW Fan Server Hours After It Goes Up

    That's pretty much the story of MMOs. People seek challenge but also complain about it at the same time. Devs remove challenge to "help" and suck all of the fun out of the game.
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    Blizzard Shuts Down Legacy WoW Fan Server Hours After It Goes Up

    You've got to be out of your gourd to spend 4 years on something you know is one C&D away from shutdown.
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    Major Coding Boot Camp Drops Ruby on Rails for Java

    Oh man, the wailing and gnashing of teeth in Ruby land must be of epic proportions. A lot of Ruby folks are...uhh..."enthusiastic" about the language.
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    Elon Musk's Plan to Power the US on Solar Energy

    I built an industrial-scale battery plant. I could 1) convince a bunch of governors to invest taxpayer dollars in power generation that happens to require gobs of industrial-scale battery storage or 2) be a dumbass and not do that. Musk is pitching this because he wants to sell batteries to...
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    Elon Musk's Plan to Power the US on Solar Energy

    Wind is OK price-wise in some areas compared to other wasteful boondoggles like residential solar, but nothing like what Lazard claims in their annual brochures. Amongst other issues, the capacity factors used are not realistic and their brochure doesn't include the cost of excess dispatchable...
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    Elon Musk's Plan to Power the US on Solar Energy

    Well, yeah, but he can't lobby for a trillion tax dollars to buy his batteries with that kind of attitude.
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    Microsoft Plans up to 3,000 Job Cuts as It Refocuses on the Cloud

    Ugh, yeah. MS cloud stuff has been a pain in the ass for us (compared to AWS).
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    Amazon Ends Its Unlimited Cloud Storage Plan

    I'm not making a value judgement, just pointing out what happens if there is no incremental cost of scarce resources.
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    Amazon Ends Its Unlimited Cloud Storage Plan

    Unlimited tech anything never lasts. People come out of the woodwork to use ridiculous quantites of the service because they can. Not just tech, unlimited anything, really. Back when I worked in a ~1500 person office, the company would occassionally get rid of old stuff like chairs, laptop...
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    NSA Leaker Outed by Modern Printer Technology

    She legally changed her name to that. Yeah....
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    NSA Leaker Outed by Modern Printer Technology

    inb4 Hillary shows up and shits all over the Dems again.
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    San Francisco Mulls Ban on Delivery Robots

    I suggest you move to central Africa, or maybe somewhere nice in Mongolia. You could easily find thousands of communities unspoiled by the tyranny of high productivity. I hear everyone there is happy, long-lived, and wants for nothing thanks to all of the manual labor available for them to do.
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    Law Professor Files Complaint over Women-Only "Wonder Woman" Showing

    So you're saying women started this with spiteful and childish behavior? How progressive of you.
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    Law Professor Files Complaint over Women-Only "Wonder Woman" Showing

    Not sure if it's illegal, but public vs private at issue here is not based on ownership. They are definitely privately owned, but there are different laws for businesses "open to the public" vs membership clubs.
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    Law Professor Files Complaint over Women-Only "Wonder Woman" Showing

    Women have been filing lawsuits over mens-only clubs/events for decades.