After playing Doom Eternal for three hours, here’s what we liked—and what we didn’t


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
You anticipating this title? Looking forward to it?

"Andy: People are going to go wild for Doom Eternal. There’s something inherently lovable about its brash, no-nonsense energy. It feels amazing in your hands, especially when that flow kicks in and you’re completely hypnotised by the violence. But after playing it for about two hours non-stop, I know that, at home, 40 minutes at a time will be enough for me. But that’s a taste thing: I prefer slower games. I just hope, in the final release, there isn’t quite as much platforming as this demo leads me to believe there will be, ‘cause jumping between platforms doesn’t feel particularly badass. I’m also looking forward to unlocking more weapons and mods—that’s when, I think, the combat will really open up. The more ways to slay demons, the merrier, right? It’s great to see id Software kicking ass in the FPS genre again, and this might be its most ostentatious game yet. I’m also hoping for some secrets based on classic Doom levels like we saw in the last game."

always disliked platform hopping or acrobatic stuff in FPS games.
always disliked platform hopping or acrobatic stuff in FPS games.
I dont mind it if it is done well. My go-to FPS back in the day was Rocket Arena (and RA2), where you used your rocket to boost you up to platforms and then rain down destruction from above.
I dont mind it if it is done well. My go-to FPS back in the day was Rocket Arena (and RA2), where you used your rocket to boost you up to platforms and then rain down destruction from above.

agreed, i don't like when it seems like filler to make a game seem longer and when you spend too much time frog hopping and not enough shooting faces, the game loses its shine. Kind of what ruined borderlands presequel for me as a example that popped in my head.

I do like when secrets are hidden behind such mechanics though. Something you might walk past or think "what if I could jump up there?" are fun to find.
Unlike war simulation and all that stuff, this game is nonviolent and for the good hearted : you only kill evil monsters. There is 0 people killed. ;)

An it's eco-friendly. You don't even scratch a plant.
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always disliked platform hopping or acrobatic stuff in FPS games.

This is the main thing I hate about the new Doom games. 2016 was okay but it was too fast-paced. To me I still love Doom 3 the most out of all the Doom games. That might seem like blasphemy around gaming circles, but I just love the pace, atmosphere, weapons... it's great and I want another survival-horror-like fps Doom game.
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I've got my collectors preorder in and got to play a demo at quakecon in 2019. I can't wait for this one and can't wait to get my collectors edition doomslayer helmet! I've already cleared some space for it between my Anovos OG Stormtrooper helmet, First order stormtrooper helmet, and Halo3 collectors edition helmet. Another one for the collection!
always disliked platform hopping or acrobatic stuff in FPS games.
Reason why I don't play any of the multiplayer shooters out there, when good strategy is jumping around like you're on a pogo stick it kind of breaks any realism the game has