Engineering Sample Radeons

The first one is a 3870 right? Not a very significant series imho but the 4xxx series ES would be cool. We don't see launches that blind side everyone like that did very often.

Imagine where prices would be now if they just matched GTX 260 pricing instead of coming in way cheaper than the GTX lineup and forcing Nvidia prices to crash so fast Nvidia customers were demanding price adjustments. Those were the days.
i took a gamble and purchased this on the hopes and dreams of it being the 2950 XTX and not a 3870
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Good Luck!

From the bit of digging I did I got the impression the 2950 XTX was just the assumed name for the RV670 that ended up being the 3870. I'm certainly no expert. Hopefully I'm wrong.
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Have you had a chance to play with the GPU yet? The suspense is killing me lol.
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I see it, but I'm not sure what it is... am I looking at a Radeon 2950 PRO? Or is that a sample 3870?
I think we are looking at a 2950 xtx internal card which became the 3870 to the public, that some prior owner probably flashed with a newer bios to use for actual games? I would love to see what the BIOS on the card when it was dated 9/19/07 had to say.

The build date on BIOS in the link Eric supplied is after the 3870 launch.
a unique thing about this card is it has in tact test pattern circuits (switches and headers). my interpretation is there's a few sets of dip switches and silk screen references for JTAG. i'll eventually get around to take pictures. i spoke to someone who owns a 2950 Pro with an early bios as you mentioned, but his lacks the dip switches

Here's the 2950 Pro:

notice the spot (TSW1) near the "INTERNAL USE ONLY" / "JTAG" block for where the dip switch could be, it's missing on the 2950 Pro. My 2950 XTX has that populated amongst others.
