Bethesda Launcher Won't Uninstall Fallout 76 B.E.T.A.


Mar 3, 2018
Yesterday, various news outlets reported that players ran into issues trying to uninstall the Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. VG247 says that the launcher would ask for login info when trying to uninstall the game. Upon entering the login info, players would receive a message saying "You do not have access to this game," with no option to uninstall the game afterwards. The game goes live tomorrow, but's its unclear if that will fix the launcher issues.

The general consensus is between players is that due to the servers not being live, people are unable to log on to delete the content, so once all the servers are up for the launch you should be able to do so... For fans who are planning on playing Fallout 76 at launch, the beta file will be updated with the full game. If you have managed to uninstall it, then it'll be a much larger download file. Any progress you made in the beta will be automatically carried over to the full version at launch, so you won't need to create a new character unless you want to.
I am hearing way too many deal breakers with this game, which is a shame. It may not have been the fallout game i wanted but i was ok with the idea of it being a open sandbox fallout game with other players that you could do what you wanted.

But the "on log out all built stuff disappears ", the "bad" way pvp works, the lack of reason for actual co op, the quick enemy respawns, the lack of difficulty due to enemies being easy to deal with, all of this turns me off and i will hard pass until we see how mods can work to fix these issues.
...until we see how mods can work to fix these issues.

Issue is, until we get the option for private servers, I doubt mods will be allowed.
I'm with you. I was not anything resembling excited for this game, but I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt because I'm a Fallout fan. Everything I've heard about the game, though, has been turn off after turn off. This is shaping up to be another ESO launch...
I am hearing way too many deal breakers with this game, which is a shame. It may not have been the fallout game i wanted but i was ok with the idea of it being a open sandbox fallout game with other players that you could do what you wanted.

But the "on log out all built stuff disappears ", the "bad" way pvp works, the lack of reason for actual co op, the quick enemy respawns, the lack of difficulty due to enemies being easy to deal with, all of this turns me off and i will hard pass until we see how mods can work to fix these issues.

Your base or "CAMP" is a mobile system since player structures aren't meant to be permanently fixed like in other games such as Rust or ARK. Its a blueprint you keep modifying and can place down to use as you see fit, so I don't exactly understand the complaint of "log off and everything disappeared" as if you lost all the hard work.
If you want to PVP you can, if not then don't. When you don't engage a player attacking you it makes their damage do 1/100th of what it should so it would make them waste an enormous amount of time just trying to hurt you at all and if they did manage to kill you this way it marks them on the map for an extra reward. Not a perfect system but leagues ahead of literally any other open world survival game so how exactly is this "bad" pvp?
Almost no game needs a reason to do co-op, its just more fun to play with friends. Why should the core game force players to be in a group? There is endgame content thats geared towards parties as there is in any online game.

If nothing else Fallout 76 is going to go down as the most misrepresented game due to circulating rumors or misconceptions I've ever seen.
This one is a hard pass for me in its present state. I didn't even bother to finish Fallout 4; it just didn't grab me like the prior editions.
I don't know why everyone thinks FO76 is anything more than a massive stress test of MP and radiant AI upgrades to the CE. Heck, they even found a way to monitize it! Their entire research cycle will pay for itself and regardless of if its ethical or moral it makes damn smart business sense.

My personal belief that this is exactly what FO76 is has been reinforced when I took a good look at the game itself recently. None of the rendering has been changed. Everything present has been capable from the skyrim CE minus a few lighting effects.

If I was a betting man FO67 is a coop testbed writ large and CE2.0 is currently undergoing a massive render engine overhaul by a different team.
Which means they really don't give a rats arse if it succeeds or not. The more money they make the less their research costs them.
Any progress made using speed "hacks" will carry over to live? Well, that's new
My favorite reaction so far:
This one is a hard pass for me in its present state. I didn't even bother to finish Fallout 4; it just didn't grab me like the prior editions.

I can completely get why someone who didn't enjoy Fallout 4 all that much wouldn't be so interested in Fallout 76.

But what I don't get is why people who haven't even tried Fallout 76 BETA think that the game itself isn't going to be any good because of perceived problems like what? A game launcher that won't uninstall the beta, but Windows itself will? Is that the straw the breaks the camal's back for anyone?

I'm just saying. I am just as skeptical about the game as the next Fallout 4 fan. I have only gotten about 2 hours of game time and it was enough that I certainly want to see more of it.

I don't expect 76 to be Fallout 4

I don't expect that I'll like every swinging Richard I run into online

I don't expect the game to be flawless at launch, haven't seen that in a decade, from Bethesda or otherwise

And I don't expect that modders will arrive to save the day on a multi-player title.

I do on the other hand, expect that I'll be giving the game a fair shot and if it turns out that I enjoy it, great. If not, then it's no different from any other game I've bought in the last 10 years. You pay your money and get what you get, nothing new here, why expect otherwise.
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Run CC CLeaners, and delete the registry for Fallout 76.

Delete folder. It disappears off Add/Remove programs and is gone period.