There's no Scandal as far as Facebook is Concerned


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Apparently the so-called Cambridge Analytica scandal hasn't hurt Facebook at all. They just released their first quarter earnings and they beat analysts' estimates like a drum. As a matter of fact, daily and monthly user numbers are up, up, up. Just goes to show all the faux outrage in the world doesn't really mean squat when it comes to big business. However, it does make for good kabuki theater in Congress.

"Despite facing important challenges, our community and business are off to a strong start in 2018," Zuckerberg said in a statement. "We are taking a broader view of our responsibility and investing to make sure our services are used for good.
Also shows just how fake the outrage is when people continue to post every detail and keep using something they claim to despise. Well, I really hate what they do with my private information but hey, got to post what I had for lunch today, it was so awesome!
Yep, you would be surprised how many people I know that either 1. Just absolutely do not care, cause it "does not effect them," "and who cares if they see my dick pics!" and..... 2. have absolutely no clue (MOSTLY because they believe the news is complete and utter bullshit, which sometimes is partly true) but they chose to ignore the news entirely....

Its absolutely no wonder things are heading the direction they are
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Also shows just how fake the outrage is when people continue to post every detail and keep using something they claim to despise. Well, I really hate what they do with my private information but hey, got to post what I had for lunch today, it was so awesome!
Would'ja post when it comes back out, too?
Yep, you would be surprised how many people I know that either 1. Just absolutely do not care, cause it "does not effect them," "and who cares if they see my dick picks!" and..... 2. have absolutely no clue (MOSTLY because they believe the news is complete and utter bullshit, which sometimes is partly true) but they chose to ignore the news entirely....

Its absolutely no wonder things are heading the direction they are
It's called "intentional ignorance"
Well, the only thing that would make a difference for FB is if there was a mass exodus of users. The companies that actually pay FB won't be deterred as long as FB has user data to scrape.
I'd wager the majority of Facebook users have no clue this was even a thing.

I know that to be true. I mentioned it at our last neighborhood association meeting and was met with dull stares saying, "uh-huh,...paranoid much?". Not only do they not know about it, they do not want to know about it. Facebook has them by the balls and, apparently, those users are quite content to have them squeezed.
Yep, you would be surprised how many people I know that either 1. Just absolutely do not care, cause it "does not effect them," "and who cares if they see my dick pics!" and..... 2. have absolutely no clue (MOSTLY because they believe the news is complete and utter bullshit, which sometimes is partly true) but they chose to ignore the news entirely....

Its absolutely no wonder things are heading the direction they are

The phrase "Ignorance is Bliss" applies to a lot of people I know, in fact the community I live in seems to be ready for Blissfest year round, even though it's in July. :cigar:
Facebooks reaction in a nut shell: c4jt321_d.jpg
Folks who are heavy users of Facebook aren't going to give up their crack anytime soon. Just like folks who love Twitter, snapchat and Candy Crush etc. Pretty sure Zuckberg already knew this
as someone who has studied "humanity" for all my life.. i have to say i am


by this..

Speaking of data. Anyone else notice the data from Equifax and/or these other leaks has essentially gone public?

I've noticed when I search for a phone# now, it gives me the name, number, address, age, and a ton of other information. Two years ago, you'd be lucky to get a hit - usually only for listed businesses.

Just did my number in Google and sure as shit, has all of my information you'd find on a credit report. I'd hate to see what's in the "paid to unlock" portion. Even had my dad, granddad, and past roommates.
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I know all about what is going on and I continue to use Facebook exactly as I did before. I know and honestly don't give a crap because nothing that happened was anything other than what I thought was taking place with when I signed up. I use Facebook as a convenient way to communicate with a specific subset of the people in my life for "free". I am not going to convince all those people to pay $10 per month for a paid service, and nobody is going to provide these services to us all ACTUALLY for "free". So this is what we have and this kind of information sharing is the price we pay. Big Freaking Whoop.

The day is coming folks when 95% of the population will share 95% of their lives (everything, including audio and video, but what they do in the bathroom and bedroom, and even some of that!) with Google, Amazon, Facebook, Uber, UnderArmour, etc. in exchange for a wealth of conveniences:

Knowing what to buy their wife for her birthday because she spent 30 minutes trying those shoes on before deciding they just cost too much.
Having a full inventory of what is in their kitchen maintained at all times, and having Amazon automatically deliver replacements when things are low.
Being alerted by Facebook when your best friend who lives 200 miles away is about to go into the "Oasis" so you can meet up with them.
Having a self-driving car show up at your door every time you need to go somewhere, without you ordering it.
Getting every bit of nutritional information about the food you eat instantly, along with a daily and weekly summary so you can manager your diet with no effort.

We can either freak out about this, become Luddites, and move to a shack in the woods... Or we can embrace it and enjoy all the benefits that go along with it. Fight it all you like, but it is inevitable.

Yes these companies will know almost everything about you. But the thing is that they won't CARE about you except in as much as you are a customer and product for them. They aren't going to "come after you", because they already have you. Yes, partners will abuse their trust at times, like the Cambridge Analytica scenario. But the benefits will still far outweigh the costs 99.999999% of the time, so it will be worth it to almost everyone.
I know all about what is going on and I continue to use Facebook exactly as I did before. I know and honestly don't give a crap because nothing that happened was anything other than what I thought was taking place with when I signed up. I use Facebook as a convenient way to communicate with a specific subset of the people in my life for "free". I am not going to convince all those people to pay $10 per month for a paid service, and nobody is going to provide these services to us all ACTUALLY for "free". So this is what we have and this kind of information sharing is the price we pay. Big Freaking Whoop.

The day is coming folks when 95% of the population will share 95% of their lives (everything, including audio and video, but what they do in the bathroom and bedroom, and even some of that!) with Google, Amazon, Facebook, Uber, UnderArmour, etc. in exchange for a wealth of conveniences:

Knowing what to buy their wife for her birthday because she spent 30 minutes trying those shoes on before deciding they just cost too much.
Having a full inventory of what is in their kitchen maintained at all times, and having Amazon automatically deliver replacements when things are low.
Being alerted by Facebook when your best friend who lives 200 miles away is about to go into the "Oasis" so you can meet up with them.
Having a self-driving car show up at your door every time you need to go somewhere, without you ordering it.
Getting every bit of nutritional information about the food you eat instantly, along with a daily and weekly summary so you can manager your diet with no effort.

We can either freak out about this, become Luddites, and move to a shack in the woods... Or we can embrace it and enjoy all the benefits that go along with it. Fight it all you like, but it is inevitable.

Yes these companies will know almost everything about you. But the thing is that they won't CARE about you except in as much as you are a customer and product for them. They aren't going to "come after you", because they already have you. Yes, partners will abuse their trust at times, like the Cambridge Analytica scenario. But the benefits will still far outweigh the costs 99.999999% of the time, so it will be worth it to almost everyone.

I get what you're saying and where your coming from, and ill admit I also still use the service, as I'm 100% certain the information they have on me, is 99.9% incorrect (ive already dug into it, they literally report me no where near where I am, further, all my information listed in false) that said, I use it cause I absolutely hate communicating on the phone, so this is the way I communicate with my family....

that said I think the concern stems from, not that they have the information, but that they resale the information with little care, it wouldn't take much for someone with a few houndred thousand dollars, or perhaps a million to be like "were doing some research and would like this information" to which they then resale or use that information for nefarious reasons, cause it doesn't seem FACEBOOK is properly vetting these folks..... its just a paycheck to them. And yes I do believe I heard one of the facebook shills say "well if we didn't sell this information, we would have to charge users approximately 18 dollars each a month for the service" so yes I see it as a double edge sword, but with the way things are going as a whole across the board (not just from facebook, but many others as well) its getting a bit out of hand....

I wouldn't say its paranoia, id more or less say its a awakening, to which some just don't care, or are completely oblivious to.
I know that to be true. I mentioned it at our last neighborhood association meeting and was met with dull stares saying, "uh-huh,...paranoid much?". Not only do they not know about it, they do not want to know about it. Facebook has them by the balls and, apparently, those users are quite content to have them squeezed.
This! At an HOA metting last week for the hood and they mentioned they were redoing the facebook page for the neighborhood. I mentioned that with everything going on with Facebook, maybe we should just establish a simple website instead, hell, even offered to build it. I was left with blank stares and comments to the tune of "Facebook is great, why would we do that"?
We can either freak out about this, become Luddites, and move to a shack in the woods... Or we can embrace it and enjoy all the benefits that go along with it. Fight it all you like, but it is inevitable.

No, it isn't and you've set up a complete fallacy to rationalize your own behavior. One need not be a Luddite to reject these kinds of invasive practices, nor currently be one for not using FB and their ilk. I might argue that it takes more knowledge to make an informed rejection of this kind of platform than to sign up for it. If you need it/want it, then fine, but leave me out of your justification.

Knowing what to buy their wife for her birthday because she spent 30 minutes trying those shoes on before deciding they just cost too much.
Having a full inventory of what is in their kitchen maintained at all times, and having Amazon automatically deliver replacements when things are low.
Being alerted by Facebook when your best friend who lives 200 miles away is about to go into the "Oasis" so you can meet up with them.
Having a self-driving car show up at your door every time you need to go somewhere, without you ordering it.
Getting every bit of nutritional information about the food you eat instantly, along with a daily and weekly summary so you can manager your diet with no effort.

I know my wife well enough to buy her a birthday gift she will love. Having Amazon do this for you isn't a convenience, it's a cop out.

Great if you want to eat the same food all the time. I like some variety myself and going shopping - or at least choosing my own food - affords that variety.

I have many friends nearby that I want to maintain a relationship with let alone feeling compelled to drive 200 miles to meet one for a beer. People 200 miles away get emails occasionally.

Looking at the future you envision, you won't likely need to go anywhere. But the scenario you've laid out is too ridiculous to really comment further on. I mean,'re talking a chip in my head that can read my thoughts? or having a routine that is so invariably routine a machine can follow it? Yeah. Gotta be a Luddite to reject those ideas.

Making informed decisions about food isn't hard at all, unless you are comparing one processed food to another, neither of which is ideal. Most healthy, natural foods don't need labels and if reading the few that might is a chore, then you aren't hat invested in eating well anyhow.

Yes these companies will know almost everything about you. But the thing is that they won't CARE about you except in as much as you are a customer and product for them. They aren't going to "come after you", because they already have you. Yes, partners will abuse their trust at times, like the Cambridge Analytica scenario. But the benefits will still far outweigh the costs 99.999999% of the time, so it will be worth it to almost everyone.

No, they don't and this argument is well-explored and has been thoroughly debunked a thousand times in a thousand places on the net. The option to not be a wallet in a marketing haystack exists.

It all comes down to ethics and values: what you see as important and worth protecting. You choose to be a thing: fed, watered and driven around your non-participatory life, even having your wife's gifts chosen for you while I choose to be human: unpredictable, varying, changing interests and activities, invested in those around me enough to be able to give them something meaningful. I have no illusions about freewill, but I would argue that some are freer than others.
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No, it isn't and you've set up a complete fallacy to rationalize your own behavior. One need not be a Luddite to reject these kinds of invasive practices, nor currently be one for not using FB and their ilk. I might argue that it takes more knowledge to make an informed rejection of this kind of platform than to sign up for it. If you need it/want it, then fine, but leave me out of your justification.

I know my wife well enough to buy her a birthday gift she will love. Having Amazon do this for you isn't a convenience, it's a cop out.

Great if you want to eat the same food all the time. I like some variety myself and going shopping - or at least choosing my own food - affords that variety.

I have many friends nearby that I want to maintain a relationship with let alone feeling compelled to drive 200 miles to meet one for a beer. People 200 miles away get emails occasionally.

Looking at the future you envision, you won't likely need to go anywhere. But the scenario you've laid out is too ridiculous to really comment further on. I mean,'re talking a chip in my head that can read my thoughts? or having a routine that is so invariably routine a machine can follow it? Yeah. Gotta be a Luddite to reject those ideas.

Making informed decisions about food isn't hard at all, unless you are comparing one processed food to another, neither of which is ideal. Most healthy, natural foods don't need labels and if reading the few that might is a chore, then you aren't hat invested in eating well anyhow.

No, they don't and this argument is well-explored and has been thoroughly debunked a thousand times in a thousand places on the net. The option to not be a wallet in a marketing haystack exists.

It all comes down to ethics and values: what you see as important and worth protecting. You choose to be a thing: fed, watered and driven around your non-participatory life, even having your wife's gifts chosen for you while I choose to be human: unpredictable, varying, changing interests and activities, invested in those around me enough to be able to give them something meaningful. I have no illusions about freewill, but I would argue that some are freer than others.

You replied to Arentols post not to mine. I fucking hate Facebook and want it to die.
Well, Facebook isn't wrong. All that happened was some news stories followed by a dog and pony show. Little to nothing changed, no penalties, no new laws, not even a change in leadership or practices. So yeah, privacy is a dead concept and Facebook has basically been given the OK to continue scraping and selling off user data.