3 of 4 are now on Ubuntu Mate


[H]ard DCOTM x2
Mar 1, 2014
So, I see Bullet mention Ubuntu mate all the time and figured Mint with a mate DE is pretty much the same.. incorrect. I installed MATE on a laptop I found recently and I really liked it. I ended up installing it on my daughter's laptop and the kids computer.

All that's left is my Windows 10 pc.. but even that is dual booting Linux.
Everyone thinks Mint MATE and Ubuntu MATE are one and the same, they really aren't. Glad you like it. :)

I'm down to two Windows machines, one has to stay on Windows as that's the demo unit, the other PC's days on Windows are numbered.
What makes it worth switching? I've been very happy with Mint/Cinnamon for the past year. Older versions of MATE were... less than stellar.
Unix/Linux to me visually is all the same. VIM + command line here. :joyful:

I kid. I ssh into Linux4Tegra ( L4T ) which is Nvidia's customized Ubuntu bistro for their Jetson kits. I mostly edit code or pull from git.

Why do you guys/gals prefer Ubuntu Mate or Ubuntu?
For me it's simply the fact that Mate does everything I want/need it to do while being as lightweight as I want it to be - I can maintain a perfect balance between eye candy and overheads. Furthermore, everything works - Even under KDE I have issues with the updater crashing, vanilla Ubuntu won't install third party .deb installers using the software center and doesn't include gdebi by default. The other thing is customization, I can also get Mate to look, act, feel exactly as I want it without the use of extensions - I like that freedom, and Plank works properly with Mate, it's available on all workspaces, unlike KDE.

I was a really happy long term Mint Cinnamon user until I killed the OS and decided to try Ubuntu MATE, I never looked back.
For me it's simply the fact that Mate does everything I want/need it to do while being as lightweight as I want it to be - I can maintain a perfect balance between eye candy and overheads. Furthermore, everything works - Even under KDE I have issues with the updater crashing, vanilla Ubuntu won't install third party .deb installers using the software center and doesn't include gdebi by default. The other thing is customization, I can also get Mate to look, act, feel exactly as I want it without the use of extensions - I like that freedom, and Plank works properly with Mate, it's available on all workspaces, unlike KDE.

I was a really happy long term Mint Cinnamon user until I killed the OS and decided to try Ubuntu MATE, I never looked back.

Interesting. I like Cinnamon specifically because I didn't feel any need to customize it other than maybe switching to a dark theme.

I just wish somebody could come up with a glass theme that looks as good as Aero Glass.
Interesting. I like Cinnamon specifically because I didn't feel any need to customize it other than maybe switching to a dark theme.

I just wish somebody could come up with a glass theme that looks as good as Aero Glass.

I just play with transparency - I don't want to tie my GPU up too much in rendering the desktop, I've got more important things for the GPU to be doing.

I remember when all I wanted was a panel that spanned both monitors under Cinnamon, what a hack job that was. Under MATE, I can stick panels all over the place, where ever I want them!
My Cinnamon desktop (transfered from Photobucket, so the resolution is probably crap):


My MATE desktop:

The dock is an after install, vanilla mate doesn't include that.
Yeah, just go into MATE Tweak and select the Cupertino interface. It'll reconfigure everything for you to give you a dock.
FWIW, on the laptop I use for linux, Cinnamon just plain looks better.
I use mint, have used mint since Bea, and currently I have Cinnamon and Mate installed on the HDD in the laptop and XFCE installed (not live) on a flash drive.
Cinnamon seems to have more contrast or something. IDK what it is...
I run mate with compiz effects (wobbly windows). They're fun.
I run mate with compiz effects (wobbly windows). They're fun.

Mate with Compiz, Mint with Cinnamon...Meh, I can't really tell the difference with the exception that one doesn't have WM issues and allows me to tweak more.
I run mate with compiz effects (wobbly windows). They're fun.

I use to run the wobbly windows back in the day. As cool as it was (not to mention it was a bit rough back then) I only enjoyed the effects for about 5 minutes of my total time I had them installed.
I use to run the wobbly windows back in the day. As cool as it was (not to mention it was a bit rough back then) I only enjoyed the effects for about 5 minutes of my total time I had them installed.

That's your personal preference and about it.
I still think wobbly windows is pretty cool, if my current WM supported wobbly windows I'd use it.

Sadly my current WM doesn't support the jello goodness.
Wobbly windows and rotating desktop switcher cube. I felt like a linux god mapping my middle mouse button as the button that goes into the desktop switcher. Single monitor productivity was never the same after that.
Wobbly windows and rotating desktop switcher cube. I felt like a linux god mapping my middle mouse button as the button that goes into the desktop switcher. Single monitor productivity was never the same after that.

I honestly can't do without multiple virtual workspaces now, I use the feature every day and I'm running dual monitors.
I remember when it was Beryl or Compiz lol.
Before 'fusion'

I wanna get back into using linux all the time -_-

The good part about running Ubuntu MATE is that I can switch between my current Marco WM to Compiz and back at the click of a mouse. However Marco's working well for me ATM so may as well leave it how it is.
Well, I'm about ready to pull the trigger and build a Linux desktop... just need those darn 8700K CPUs to come down in price, but it looks like you've found the near-perfect distro to get me to finally do the build Bullet ;)

[and I'm giving serious thought to doing the migration into that Cryorg Taku case....]
Well, I'm about ready to pull the trigger and build a Linux desktop... just need those darn 8700K CPUs to come down in price, but it looks like you've found the near-perfect distro to get me to finally do the build Bullet ;)

[and I'm giving serious thought to doing the migration into that Cryorg Taku case....]

Good to hear mate, take your time and enjoy your journey.

When it comes to Ubuntu MATE, I just find it has the perfect balance of everything.