WAR is back and free

God running around through the starting area brought back so many memories.

Thanks for the link. I'll likely mess around with this between FFXIV and LEGO Avengers assuming they can ever figure out what went wrong with my cataract surgery and fix my left eye.
Totally forgot how to play this game. SO this new private server I guess is just one server overall ?

Do you guys wanna play in the same Guild ?
This game looks so awesome cause it was made by Mythic same group that worked on Dark Age of Camelot. I never really got into War due to the Subscription I think they closed the official severs down in 2013 game launched in 2008.
Never got around to playing this game, but I'll definitely give it a whirl on a giant private server.
This came out right around the time I started my first MMO in Age of Conan. I remember people fleeing AoC for WAR in droves, sooooooo much hype. The nostalgia is real
I bought this game off amazon, and the next day they shut the servers down :|
Was such a fun game, but had crippling issues at the start that really tanked the population. Not many gave it a second chance.
Badass! Definitely going to give it a whirl. Still have the box somewhere.

Thanks for the heads up!
I think this is at least based off the later builds from 2013 before they officially pulled the plug. I don't think it's a beta build from 2007 or something.
Was such a fun game, but had crippling issues at the start that really tanked the population. Not many gave it a second chance.

Yeah, of any possible "WoW" killer that came out, this was the one that had the true potential to do it. I had tons of fun in WAR, despite the problems. The world and factions were perfect, the Greenskins especially. I think things would definitely have turned out differently had EA not gotten their filthy claws on Mythic. If I remember correctly, EA were the ones who forced the game out the door before it was ready. And as we have seen so many times, a bad launch is pretty much guaranteed doom for an MMO. Yet they didn't learn the lesson. Typical EA, destroy every great studio they get their hands on.
OK Forums back up finally. Very weird layout, hard to find my subscribed threads. Why change it ? I have this site in favs and it always showed as down. Until I did a strange thing, search for it on Google and then it came up.

Anyways, WAR been playing it a bit, and man is the enemy AI turned off or something ? Practically need to step on their toes to get them to attack. You can walk tight near them and they just stand there.

Graphics, I know the game is old, and it shows.

Combat is very clunky and boring, animations are bad.