Phraseanet search-engine (Ubuntu server)


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2003
I'm installing phraseanet on Ubuntu 14.04 Server, have all prereq's done but the search engine install didn't seem to do anything. If anyone knows any tricks please share.

pre-install system:check show this:

Binaries requirements :
OK PHP CLI is required to run Phraseanet task manager
OK Phraseanet requires the Unix `file` command
OK Exiftool is required for reading, writing and editing meta information
OK Exiftool version 9.15 or higher is required (9.70 provided)
Binaries recommendations :
OK Phraseanet recommends `file` version 5.04 or higher
OK SWFTools are required for documents (Word, Excel, PDF, etc...) support
OK SWFTools (pdf2swf) version 0.9.0 or higher is required (0.9.1 provided)
OK Unoconv is required for documents (Word, Excel, etc...) support
OK Unoconv version 0.5 or higher is required (0.6 provided)
OK SWFTools (swfextract) are required for flash files support
OK SWFTools (swfextract) version 0.9.0 or higher is required (0.9.1 provided)
OK SWFTools (swfrender) are required for flash files support
OK SWFTools (swfrender) version 0.9.0 or higher is required (0.9.1 provided)
OK MP4Box is required for video support
OK MP4Box version 0.4.0 or higher is required (0.5.1 provided)
OK XPDF is required for PDF indexation
OK FFMpeg (or libav-tools) is required for Video processing
OK FFProbe (or avprobe) is required for Video processing
OK Recess is required for compiling css or less files.
Cache Server requirements :

Cache Server recommendations :
OK A cache server extension such as Memcached, Memcache or Redis is recommended
Filesystem requirements :
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/config directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/config/stamp directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/config/status directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/config/minilogos directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/config/templates directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/config/topics directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/config/wm directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/logs directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/www/custom directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/locks directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/cache_twig directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/serializer directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/doctrine directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/cache_minify directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/lazaret directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/desc_tmp directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/download directory must be writable
OK /gpactmp/Phraseanet/tmp/batches directory must be writable
Filesystem recommendations :

Locales requirements :
OK intl extension should be available
Locales recommendations :
OK Locale Deutsch (de_DE) should be supported
OK Locale English (en_GB) should be supported
OK Locale Français (fr_FR) should be supported
OK Locale Dutch (nl_NL) should be supported
OK intl extension should be correctly configured
OK intl ICU version should be at least 4+
Opcode Cache requirements :

Opcode Cache recommendations :
OK A cache opcode extension such as apc, xcache or wincache is recommended
Phrasea requirements :
OK Phraseanet Indexer or higher is required ( provided)
Phrasea recommendations :
WARNING phrasea extension is required to use Phrasea search-engine
Install and enable the phrasea extension to enable Phrasea search-engine (

PHP requirements :
OK date.timezone setting must be set
OK detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini
OK safe_mode must be disabled in php.ini
OK detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini
OK file_uploads must be enabled in php.ini
OK session.cache_limiter must be disabled in php.ini
OK magic_quotes_gpc must be disabled in php.ini
OK magic_quotes_runtime must be disabled in php.ini
PHP recommendations :
OK short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini
OK register_globals should be disabled in php.ini
OK session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini
OK display_errors should be disabled in php.ini
OK display_startup_errors should be disabled in php.ini
OK allow_url_fopen should be enabled in php.ini
OK session.hash_bits_per_character should be at least 6
OK session.hash_function should be enabled in php.ini
OK session.use_only_cookies should be enabled in php.ini
OK session.use_cookies should be enabled in php.ini
System requirements :
OK PHP version must be at least 5.3.3 (5.5.9-1ubuntu4.9 installed)
OK PHP version must not be 5.3.16 as Phraseanet won't work properly with it
OK Vendor libraries must be installed
OK date.timezone setting must be set
OK Configured default timezone "America/New_York" must be supported by your installation of PHP
OK json_encode() must be available
OK session_start() must be available
OK ctype_alpha() must be available
OK token_get_all() must be available
OK simplexml_import_dom() must be available
OK APC version must be at least 3.1.13 when using PHP 5.4
OK detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini
OK PCRE extension must be available
OK PHP-XML module should be installed
OK mb_strlen() should be available
OK iconv() should be available
OK exif extension is required
OK curl extension is required
OK gettext extension is required
OK gd extension is required
OK hash extension is required
OK proc_* functions are required
OK Socket extension is required for task manager
OK Zip extension is required for download
OK utf8_decode() should be available
OK PDO should be installed
OK PDO should have MySQL driver installed (currently available: mysql)
System recommendations :
OK You should use at least PHP 5.3.4 due to PHP bug #52083 in earlier versions
OK When using annotations you should have at least PHP 5.3.8 due to PHP bug #55156
OK You should not use PHP 5.4.0 due to the PHP bug #61453
OK PCRE extension should be at least version 8.0 (8.31 installed)
OK pcntl extension is recommended in unix environments
OK Posix extension is recommended for task manager
OK Twig extension is strongly recommended in production
OK Imagick or Gmagick extension is strongly recommended for image processing
OK Fileinfo extension is recommended
OK posix_isatty() should be available
OK ftp extension is required for FTP export
OK a PHP accelerator should be installed
OK short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini
OK magic_quotes_gpc should be disabled in php.ini
OK register_globals should be disabled in php.ini
OK session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini
I know nothing about Phrasenet(always had Google Search Appliances or Solr).

Just looking over your checklist, did you correct this warning:

^^ It does state it is required to enable the search engine.

That's what I am trying to do...correct that. I've compiled and installed what it said is needed but something is still missing. I think the phrasea2 is supposed to show as a php driver but it's not.

Who knows...this is the most frustrating install I have done to date, the install docs absolutely suck.
That's what I am trying to do...correct that. I've compiled and installed what it said is needed but something is still missing. I think the phrasea2 is supposed to show as a php driver but it's not.

Who knows...this is the most frustrating install I have done to date, the install docs absolutely suck.

Did you enable the extension in your php.ini after compiling/installing:
sudo make install

Then add:
to your php.ini file... or something along those lines. I'm not 100% sure that's what the extension name will be.

You should be able to do "php -m" in your console to see what extensions are enabled.
Then add:
to your php.ini file... or something along those lines. I'm not 100% sure that's what the extension name will be.

Thanks, sorry for not getting back sooner. This is the piece that was missing.

Hate to say it but phraseanet installation is mostly guesswork...some extensions create the extensions ini files and some don't...