OS X 10.10 broken animations/UI interactivity


Limp Gawd
Jul 10, 2008
Bit of an odd one this which I can't quite figure out. Basically after a few hours use my 2011 iMac running Yosemite 10.10.1 will stop all it's pretty UI interactivity, by this I mean:
  • The dock no longer magnifies when I hover over it
  • Clicking a link in the browser does not show the clicked state
  • Clicking any buttons don't show the click state
  • Hovering over a menu in the browser does not expand the menu
  • Can't right click on half of the things

Theres some other bits but that's the main issues, if I reboot it goes back to normal. Few hours later the same issue happens again!
Odd. Have you done a clean install? May be a bit drastic, but it'll probably address all the issues you are having.
Is a key stuck on your keyboard?

I had a wireless keyboard sitting on the other side of my room that ended up causing some issues similar to this before I realized what was going on..
That's a good point! I'll dig out some spares and disconnect the current ones to see if it still happens.
if you really feel the need to do a clean install, at least just make a new user and see if that exhibits the same issues.
I would also suggest turning on the "reduce transparency" option under accessibility. Apparently there is an issue in Yosemite with the WindowsServer. It randomly consumes a ton of CPU and can lead to really sluggish performance.