Apple's Work Force Is Mostly White And Male

Women have proven that they can do anything a man does.

I thought talking about flukes was backwards thinking? If women could, they would. When this dicussion is being made by people 50 years from now, and the ratio has moved at best 5%, will it still be the social construct?
No, they're forced to pretend that's an issue by the same agents listed above.

Exactly. Ever notice how this groups want to promote tolerance? But if you don't do what they say they will rake you over the fucking coals and do everything in their power to destroy you. They don't give a shit what their position is, they just want everyone else to follow them. They are control freaks.
Im doing this from a phone so I'm lumping all my replies here. Thanks to those that followed up on my biology vs sociology remark. To the one(s) that still nit picked at the replies that shot holes in their sorry attempts to be internet fact checkers, get over yourselves. Sometimes your position is wrong and you have to admit to it, but sadly refer to my first point in this reply.
Stop thinking with an us vs them mentality. And also think rationally that genders ARE biological differences including thought patterns and beliefs. Trying to argue against it is like the people that argue that women should be in front line combat positions, even though 99.5% of women can't pass the physical requirements. Our society is being lead by PC bullshit that ends up hurting us as a whole, not helping.