Identity of Whistleblower Behind NSA Leak Revealed

What if I'm bootlegging 3D printer material and then one day it becomes illegal to operate a 3D printer goop distillery, but I don't get the memo?

I would send you a PM and let you know what's going on along with the location of the nearest amnesty box is located so you can drop that stuff off, but only because you're like the best person ever on this forum. :)
that requires this collected information to get used against you.
Exactly my point, stupid talk. Willingly wants to give up any and all information to an entity that has lied since it was first founded. The gov has one goal, to grow bigger and sweep the world with its authority. People like him letting it continue unchecked are a huge problem IMO. Way worse than the simply ignorant. A government has to be checked or it will check you given enough time (not like history shows this already).

Think about the fact innocent people go to jail everyday. How far could this go when everyone is treated like they already did something wrong? Probable cause was created for a reason.

They can't catch every single thing on the net right now but they're working on it with these new data centers until they can.

Some keywords: bitch was the bomb, crazy like a terrorist, boom bitch , praise be Allah, death to the infidels on MW3, fuck the NSA/CIA, how old is she, how to build a, detonate that shit, I hate the GOV, where can I buy some?

Nothing that should be spied on but is.
OP MAN!!!!!! OPPPPP!!!

fags like faggots, not like the derogatory term used against homosexuals.
bastards raping and pillaging the world behind legislation!@!!

i praise a man who can stand against the powers that try to control the new world!!!!

honestly tho, where did all the people with balls go?
OP MAN!!!!!! OPPPPP!!!

fags like faggots, not like the derogatory term used against homosexuals.
bastards raping and pillaging the world behind legislation!@!!

i praise a man who can stand against the powers that try to control the new world!!!!

honestly tho, where did all the people with balls go?

okay so i jus re-read what i wrote and it still has a very strong homo-phobe feel to it, so i want reiterate, i am labeling sneaky bastards who avoid responsibility manipulate the public fags.
... ya kno im jus going to retract this statement and say they are evil instead. :D
So Senator Obama becomes President Obama and receives his first down and dirty security briefing and learns of about things like PRISM. As President of the United States, he couldn't have said anything publicly about this program because the first thing Republicans in Congress would have done is accuse him of treason. Hell, I imagine some Democrats would have done the same thing.

He's had over four years to pull the plug on this and every other program that tramples on the constitution. These are your rights that are being trampled, and you're making excuses for the guy that's either doing it, or sitting back with all that power and just letting it happen? The hell is wrong with you people? I don't care WHO started the program. Blame Bush for starting this if you want - which is what you're doing, it's always Bush's fault - but the point is if someone starts a train down the wrong tracks it's the engineer on duty's job to stop it. Blaming the previous engineer for the train wreck after the fact is too little too late. Either Obama can't stop it - in which case he's a sorry excuse for an executive, or he won't stop it - which means he's complicit. So you have inept negligence or treason, take your pick. Yes, I called it treason. Spying on the citizens of your own country amounts to nothing less.

He swore an oath to defend the constitution, the sole purpose of which is to limit the power of government so that this sort of thing does not happen. Does this mean nothing to you? Don't you care about where the country is headed, and what it means three generations down the road? What kind of life will your grandchildren have - freedom to think what they want, do what they want, and make a life for themselves, or a state that watches every thought, every action, and treats them like potential enemies at every step? If you do give a damn, how about this. How about instead of defending Obama, try telling him to do his job. Tell your elected officials to pull the plug on this. They work for YOU, remember? R or D, doesn't matter. Unless you like being spied on all the time. But what do I know? Go ahead and make excuses for your guy and feel vindicated for it. When it gets worse - and it will - just remember what I said, and when it comes time to put the blame then you can look in the mirror because YOU and people like you stood by and did nothing.
Blame Bush for starting this if you want - which is what you're doing, it's always Bush's fault - but the point is if someone starts a train down the wrong tracks it's the engineer on duty's job to stop it. Blaming the previous engineer for the train wreck after the fact is too little too late.

I am conductor of the poop train!

...sorry had to throw that reference in there...carry on.
I would happily turn over that stuff to someone who is investigating me. I wouldn't give it to any random person, but someone in an alphabet soup agency or whatever can have them and that's fine with me.

Ok, so the entire population of the country is "under investigation" :rolleyes:

Thou Art a TROLL.

Don't expect anyone to take you seriously.
Ok, so the entire population of the country is "under investigation" :rolleyes:

People who are upset about this are mostly people who are looking for a reason to be angry about the government. This is only the current reason why they feel justified for being upset.

Thou Art a TROLL.

Name calling is silly.

Don't expect anyone to take you seriously.

It's okay. I don't take anyone else seriously either so it's all mutual stuff. :) Then again, I do think a lot of people would be better off if they weren't taking everything as seriously as possible. Smile and laugh once in a while, even about things that scare you and you'll be better off, I promise. :D
He's had over four years to pull the plug on this and every other program that tramples on the constitution. These are your rights that are being trampled, and you're making excuses for the guy that's either doing it, or sitting back with all that power and just letting it happen? The hell is wrong with you people? I don't care WHO started the program. Blame Bush for starting this if you want - which is what you're doing, it's always Bush's fault - but the point is if someone starts a train down the wrong tracks it's the engineer on duty's job to stop it. Blaming the previous engineer for the train wreck after the fact is too little too late. Either Obama can't stop it - in which case he's a sorry excuse for an executive, or he won't stop it - which means he's complicit. So you have inept negligence or treason, take your pick. Yes, I called it treason. Spying on the citizens of your own country amounts to nothing less.

He swore an oath to defend the constitution, the sole purpose of which is to limit the power of government so that this sort of thing does not happen. Does this mean nothing to you? Don't you care about where the country is headed, and what it means three generations down the road? What kind of life will your grandchildren have - freedom to think what they want, do what they want, and make a life for themselves, or a state that watches every thought, every action, and treats them like potential enemies at every step? If you do give a damn, how about this. How about instead of defending Obama, try telling him to do his job. Tell your elected officials to pull the plug on this. They work for YOU, remember? R or D, doesn't matter. Unless you like being spied on all the time. But what do I know? Go ahead and make excuses for your guy and feel vindicated for it. When it gets worse - and it will - just remember what I said, and when it comes time to put the blame then you can look in the mirror because YOU and people like you stood by and did nothing.

He's a President, not a king. Congress passed these laws and it is their responsibility to repeal them, not the President's. But as President he is the person most responsible for the safety and security of this nation, without which the Constitution becomes irrelevant. It's too easy to point fingers and cry all about evil government when you're not the person responsible for keeping stuff from being blown and up and have no idea of the specific threats that have to be dealt with.
can you imagine what would happen if Obama got rid of some of this stuff and then a terrorist attack happened?

The guy can't win no matter what he does.
Need you folk to raise your hands:

We have had covert wiretaps and acoustic eavesdropping for over 50 years.

How many people do you personally know who have been victims of it?

Since technology is >1000x more sophisticated, you should know lots of people by now.

Basically, you think most of your fellow humans are trash. They will attack people without cause under color of authority.

I'm more afraid of those who think being anonymous in all their activities than anyone who has a name. People who are "nameless" are the often the scum of the earth. There is a reason for them to need their deeds aimed at others to be hidden.

You pick up a phone, and you are intruding on somebodies privacy. You are interfering with them.

Anyone suggest outlawing phones?
can you imagine what would happen if Obama got rid of some of this stuff and then a terrorist attack happened?

The guy can't win no matter what he does.

Pretty much. Why are all of these people pointing fingers at Obama knowing full well Congressional Republicans would do everything in their power to call him a traitor and oppose anything he tried to do scale back or stop these programs. And really, most people aren't even that concerned about these programs, it's generally been thought that this is what was going on anyway and as much as people want to talk about the Constitution plenty of people are fully aware that God forbid another 9/11 or something more devastating were to ever happen, these kinds of programs would only get MUCH worse.
nope a chilling effect has the greatest impact on information flow
that effects everyone


Zero effect on this end. We send hundreds of tech docs and phone calls a day. We were "online" before 90% of labs.

The thing that will affect you the most, is crooks and foreign entities spying on you.

The FBI isn't going to steal your CC info or your intellectual property. The "Anonymous" d'ckheads have no such restrictions.

There is nothing stopping crooks from stealing from you, and not a lot you can do about it either. You are safe only by percentage, not by technology or law enforcement. The odds are in your favor that you won't be a victim of a digital crime.

That is valid for 2013 only.
can you imagine what would happen if Obama got rid of some of this stuff and then a terrorist attack happened?

The guy can't win no matter what he does.

Can you imagine if Obama expanded this program and tightened his grip and a terrorist attack still happened? Oh, wait. That has happened.

I hate to sound insensitive, but shit happens. Giving the government more control will not change that, but it will mean we have less protections from them.
My Big Brother dream is that if somebody steals from me digitally, they can be caught.

It's only a dream.

Am I worried about the Fed stealing from me without leaving a trace? Naw, they fk you in broad daylight, not behind your back.
It's too easy to point fingers and cry all about evil government when you're not the person responsible for keeping stuff from being blown and up and have no idea of the specific threats that have to be dealt with.
Originally Posted bystealthy123
Can you imagine what would happen if Obama got rid of some of this stuff and then a terrorist attack happened?

Yet the C.I.A themselves stated blowback (counter-attacks) were why people wanted to blow things up in the USA to begin with, go figure! Lets not address the real issue though, makes perfect sense! Infringing on innocent peoples natural rights for a little (false sense of) protection is what fools spout because they're ignorant to the facts and history. Or any kind of foresight into the future for that matter. They think the potential for tyranny is a crazy persons conspiracy Sad humans.

For every person killed in these illegal drone strikes (undeclared wars) in all too many countries two people pop up to take one persons place, what simple minded people will call terrorists when war begets war. Keeping us safe means stopping these wars so stop with the BS talking points like turning the USA into a police state will matter when it's not even addressing the real problems at hand. Think about what the US population (well some of us) would be doing if China was randomly attacking us with drone strikes, targeted assassinations, and putting troops down on our soil? Attacking them back (terrorizing)? No...of course not! :rolleyes:

In reality (where some of us live) the President isn't just doing this shit for Americans safety, he's mostly doing it for more and more control of the world in general (everyone!) under the guise of safety. History warned us about this many times too, rinse and repeat. How many countries does the US GOV have to spy on for everyone to feel safer? All of them? So the gov is the only one that can lie and hide everything under the guise of 'national security'? Why did Obama run on government needing transparency then? He knows what he's It's just that you don't! It might be easy to point fingers but it's always flat out easiest to go with the flow and claim it must be for the best and argue against the harder to understand ideas even if they're way more credible.

God forbid another 9/11 or something more devastating were to ever happen
Yes, locking down the USA while attacking every country that has something you want or that disagrees with you (building up new enemy after new enemy) will surely stop terrorists (counter attacks). I want to ride your bus home so we can lick the window together.

And really, most people aren't even that concerned about these programs,
Most people don't even know anything about these programs to be able to have a concern about.

"If it doesn't happen to me I don't care (closes eyes)" - Typical degenerate.

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice. - Albert Einstein

Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. - John F. Kennedy

All war is deception.
Sun Tzu

Only a special kind of person thinks people want to strap a vest to themselves and blow shit up because they hate your freedom fries. People need to STFU for once and actually look at the atrocities (terrorist attacks) your very own government is committing abroad. If these don't stop, nothing will secure you, nothing! Everything else is more lies for more control.


Let me guess, the USA is just defending itself while it tries to conquer the globe. Yeah, and I have a 14" penis then. Until the real issues are addressed the rest is all bullshit!
Nothing remotely close to 9/11 has happened since.

Which was blowback. Not saying it was right (in any form) but just saying war begets war. So as long as we're attacking country after country safety is not the primary concern of those in charge and anyone saying otherwise is sleeping IMO.
Nothing remotely close to 9/11 has happened since.

And what does that prove? Have there been any attacks of that magnitude planned and ready to be executed? Do the smaller ones that still killed people not count because fewer people died?
And what does that prove? Have there been any attacks of that magnitude planned and ready to be executed? Do the smaller ones that still killed people not count because fewer people died?

Not to be callous, but a couple of pressure cooker bombs going off at the Boston Marathon is infinitely more than a couple of nuclear ones blowing up. I'm simply looking at it realistically. If a nuclear weapon EVER goes off anywhere as a result of terrorist activity the game is over, life as we know it will change and it will be far worse than anything to date.

Not to fear monger, but such an event only needs to occur once to change the world and it will not be for the better. It must prevented by almost any means necessary. Rights will have little meaning in a world of chaos and fear.
I'm simply looking at it realistically. If a nuclear weapon EVER goes off anywhere as a result of terrorist activity the game is over, life as we know it will change and it will be far worse than anything to date.

USA managed it pretty well. Oh wait, you mean the (terrorist) bad guys. War begets war. Must be a hard concept to grasp amongst some people. The USA is the fucking wrong role model there man.

Zero effect on this end. We send hundreds of tech docs and phone calls a day. We were "online" before 90% of labs.

The thing that will affect you the most, is crooks and foreign entities spying on you.

The FBI isn't going to steal your CC info or your intellectual property. The "Anonymous" d'ckheads have no such restrictions.

There is nothing stopping crooks from stealing from you, and not a lot you can do about it either. You are safe only by percentage, not by technology or law enforcement. The odds are in your favor that you won't be a victim of a digital crime.

That is valid for 2013 only.

what an amazing set of blinders you've been fitted with
bet it helps you focus on your job

Obama's Attack on Whistleblowers Criminalizes News Gathering
USA managed it pretty well. Oh wait, you mean the (terrorist) bad guys. War begets war. Must be a hard concept to grasp amongst some people. The USA is the fucking wrong role model there man.

World War II was a much different situation. That was a declared war between nation states and I think Japan kind of started it by bombing Pearl Harbor. At any rate, you are correct, war begets war and a nuclear bomb going off on US soil is guaranteed to beget a doozy.
World War II was a much different situation.

So...why can't someone else use that same exact excuse next time? Point: no excuses for nukes, none (or most wars for that matter)! The guys in charge shouldn't be in charge if they think so. It's my planet too (I think) and I want to thrive on it.

"I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones."- Albert Einstein

I think Japan kind of started it by bombing Pearl Harbor.

Last time I heard we were waving our dicks in their faces so to speak provoking them to do something. If you act aggressive in my face too long I'll (try to) snuff your ass out too. They took the bait, wrong move. Everyone still has to remember the USA GOV is the aggressor way more than most realize. 'Bully' as the world calls it.

At any rate, you are correct, war begets war and a nuclear bomb going off on US soil is guaranteed to beget a doozy.

This is my only point. We need to push our government to stop killing everyone in the world if we/they really want to make us safer. Not start scanning my poops for potential terrorist activity because I having nothing to fear. I fear them and tyranny which my ancestors warned me to. If everyone thinks giving a government more and more and more power to make you/us safer....very sad day indeed!

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

Thomas Jefferson
So...why can't someone else use that same exact excuse next time? Point: no excuses for nukes, none (or most wars for that matter)! The guys in charge shouldn't be in charge if they think so. It's my planet too (I think) and I want to thrive on it.

I agree with total nuclear disarmament, as have many people. Now it's simply a matter of everyone giving up their nuclear weapons.

"I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones."- Albert Einstein

And this is why by almost any means necessary that these weapons never be used again.

Last time I heard we were waving our dicks in their faces so to speak provoking them to do something. If you act aggressive in my face too long I'll (try to) snuff your ass out too. They took the bait, wrong move. Everyone still has to remember the USA GOV is the aggressor way more than most realize. 'Bully' as the world calls it.

Imperial Japan wasn't exactly the most peace loving nation. Just ask their neighbors at the time.

This is my only point. We need to push our government to stop killing everyone in the world if we/they really want to make us safer. Not start scanning my poops for potential terrorist activity because I having nothing to fear. I fear them and tyranny which my ancestors warned me to. If everyone thinks giving a government more and more and more power to make you/us safer....very sad day indeed!

I would agree that more diplomacy is needed in the world. That said it's not simply a matter of just laying down ones arms and expecting others to reciprocate. The Department of War was one of the original Cabinet departments created in spite of those warnings of government tyranny.
Not to be callous, but a couple of pressure cooker bombs going off at the Boston Marathon is infinitely more than a couple of nuclear ones blowing up. I'm simply looking at it realistically. If a nuclear weapon EVER goes off anywhere as a result of terrorist activity the game is over, life as we know it will change and it will be far worse than anything to date.

Not to fear monger, but such an event only needs to occur once to change the world and it will not be for the better. It must prevented by almost any means necessary. Rights will have little meaning in a world of chaos and fear.

That's circular logic. Rights will have no meaning if we don't have any. Simply put, I'd rather live in a more dangerous world that values freedom than a safe world where freedoms are granted or dismissed arbitrarily. I'm not saying we should give up trying to stop people from causing us harm, unless it is at the expense of our principles. Look at what happened during The Troubles.
Simply put, I'd rather live in a more dangerous world that values freedom than a safe world where freedoms are granted or dismissed arbitrarily.

This is impossible. A society cannot be more dangerous, meaning more personal death and injury caused by war, terror, famine, what have you and be more free simultaneously. The two are in direct contradiction to each other and that's why the issue of the balance or security and freedom is intractable.
Not to be callous, but a couple of pressure cooker bombs going off at the Boston Marathon is infinitely more than a couple of nuclear ones blowing up. I'm simply looking at it realistically. If a nuclear weapon EVER goes off anywhere as a result of terrorist activity the game is over, life as we know it will change and it will be far worse than anything to date.

Not to fear monger, but such an event only needs to occur once to change the world and it will not be for the better. It must prevented by almost any means necessary. Rights will have little meaning in a world of chaos and fear.

I'm far more worried about what the terrorists running the United States government will do with THEIR nuclear weapons that actually exist rather than some sand pirate jihadist in the Middle East. Al Queda didn't wipe two entire cities off the map and irradiate 200,000+ people. Al Queda has done NOTHING that the US government has not also done and, in my book, both organizations are evil and I refuse to allow such double standards to go unchallenged.

I think this quote from Mein Kampf sums up the strategy of the current administration perfectly :
The art of leadership, as displayed by really great popular leaders in all ages, consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention into sections. The more the militant energies of the people are directed towards one objective the more will new recruits join the movement, attracted by the magnetism of its unified action, and thus the striking power will be all the more enhanced. The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to the one category; for weak and wavering natures among a leader's following may easily begin to be dubious about the justice of their own cause if they have to face different enemies.
As soon as the vacillating masses find themselves facing an opposition that is made up of different groups of enemies their sense of objectivity will be aroused and they will ask how is it that all the others can be in the wrong and they themselves, and their movement, alone in the right.

-Mein Kampf, chapter X Why The Second Reich Collapsed