Find the passwords for nearby WiFi hotspots with Foursquare App


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Hooking up to WiFi hotspots just became a little easier with a new iPhone 4sqwifi app from Foresquare. Foresquare members share the passwords of area hotspots and they are included in Foresquare’s app for you to use. Simple, no?

While sometimes, using a hotspot without the owner’s permission is at best a little rude, the information is already shared on Foursquare and this app is simply making it easier to access.
Simple yes, but pretty screwed up. Say you happen to be in a popular area and don't know your key has been shared. You're using WPA, but someone who legitimately had your key decided to share it and now you have Pete the pedo standing outside your place committing felonies on your connection without your knowledge, and lagging down your connection at the same time. Let's face it most people with wireless networks flat out don't know how to protect themselves from things like that. I can't believe 4square is supporting this feature. What a load of crap.
I'm surprised that [H] would propogate this app. IMO, stealing others' WiFi is NOT cool. A friend had is computer confiscated by the State Police early this year because someone got on his connection and committed credit-card fraud. They kept his computer for about a month. It was his only PC too, and he used it for church related stuff (he is an assistant pastor).

didn't recent laws as well basically say you are responsible for your wireless connection so the owner could get charged if something illegal is done on it?

i think this app should be yanked ASAP.
It is illegal to tap into another person's wifi even if it is unsecured.
So this is more legal than saying posting passwords to various accounts on a hacker forum how?
the app doesn't work according to reviews and it's free. Makes you wonder what this company's motives really are.