Free Starcraft II for WoW players

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[H]F Junkie
Jan 19, 2007
Not sure if this has been posted or not, but my wife just logged into your account page and it shows that SCII is free for those with active WoW accounts. Did not activate it yet so not sure if there are any hoops to jump through or not, but cool deal non-the-less.

* EDIT *

Back at the house now and not seeing the add for it anymore. Not sure if blizzards servers screwed up and had me on a Korean server or what, but not seeing anything on this at all. Still looking as I did not add it to the wife's account when I saw it so would like to myself, but very doubtful at this point. Sorry guys, -50 Internets for me today.

Looks like it was a Bliz screw up and I wasn't the only one that saw it. Someone else posted a SS in this thread but it links to the Korean site
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Unless you can explain how to do it, I'm gonna call shens. I have an active WoW account, and looking at, I don't see anywhere where I get SC2 for free.
I dont' blame you, at work right now so will post a SS when I get home. Is your WoW account active and paid up?
Logged in now and do not see any downloads for SC 2 and I am active on WOW cataclysm.
Blizzard isn't going to give away a game, that they know you will eventually fork over your money for.
Updated OP, but at home now and unable to replicate. I'll ask a GM later tonight when I log into WoW and ask if they know anything.
Probably one of Blizz's screwups but really clever scheming for them down in South Korea.
Thank god I'm not crazy, and they did get a SS which I failed to do!
That's discrimination, and downright insulting to everyone who plays their games besides Koreans.

I don't play or care for any of those games much, but the quote from the guy in charge at Blizzard really rubbed salt in the wounds even more when he says the reason he gave Koreans the game free:

Blizzard's Chris Sigaty described the announcement as "a way of giving something back to such a supportive and skilled community of players."

WHAT?!?! So no other country is skilled?

Bad PR to the rest of the world for sure, but I'm sure they will rake in more money with this idea (the plan obviously) from the uber addiction of the Korean gamers in general.... they are nuts over there. Koreans can game and become super stars like they actually play real sports or something. They have gamers that win cars and annual pay over there playing a few games of fucking starcraft. :eek:

Like that American guy Fatal1ty over here, but 100x more (pathetic) fans.
Yep, discrimination... someone should make a class action and make the suit open for EVERYONE to get the game free now.

Why should everyone else have to pay $50+ for the game, and Koreans get it free since they are supposedly "skilled" more???? This is called redlining.

Redlining is the practice of denying, or increasing the cost of services such as banking, insurance, access to jobs,[2] access to health care,[3] or even supermarkets[4] to residents in certain, often racially determined,[5] areas.


"discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based solely on their membership in a certain group or category. Discrimination is the actual behavior towards members of another group. It involves excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to other groups."

Sounds like an easy lawsuit to me.
If this goes viral, and it's seems to be picking up steam, maybe something will come of this blizzard screw up. Front page of Slickdeals "Hey free Starcraft to all* WoW players!!"*only for Koreans
That's discrimination, and downright insulting to everyone who plays their games besides Koreans.

I don't play or care for any of those games much, but the quote from the guy in charge at Blizzard really rubbed salt in the wounds even more when he says the reason he gave Koreans the game free:

WHAT?!?! So no other country is skilled?

Bad PR to the rest of the world for sure, but I'm sure they will rake in more money with this idea (the plan obviously) from the uber addiction of the Korean gamers in general.... they are nuts over there. Koreans can game and become super stars like they actually play real sports or something. They have gamers that win cars and annual pay over there playing a few games of fucking starcraft. :eek:

Like that American guy Fatal1ty over here, but 100x more (pathetic) fans.

QQ imo. RTS is insanely popular on that end of the world. Consider Apple charging something like $3000 for the iPhone in China on release day.
And why hate on professional gamers? They do what they enjoy and get paid for it. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Perhaps you should go beat up some nerds or whatever it is you meatheads do.
Someone start one of those online petitions for free..... I bet it will shitstorm around the net quick and blizz will give in.

I still say class action.... it's just bs
QQ imo. RTS is insanely popular on that end of the world. Consider Apple charging something like $3000 for the iPhone in China on release day.
And why hate on professional gamers? They do what they enjoy and get paid for it. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Perhaps you should go beat up some nerds or whatever it is you meatheads do.

Your post makes no sense... I said nothing about nerds or displayed I was anywhere near a MEATHEAD (far from it actually, to be honest)

Calm down there buddy... and quit using lame internet memes. QQ? :rolleyes: Just use another letter and say CRY. *facepalm*
Pretty sure everyone that wanted StarCraft 2 already bought it anyway.
says the person using facepalm.

It was obviously sarcasm... but really, facepalm is widely popular while QQ is not, nor even on wikipedia explained (facepalm is though). Plus there are even many websites created after the word facepalm.,, etc. Far from a lame meme.

And facepalm is funny, while QQ is lame like I said.
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