Server Backup Software Advice


Sep 18, 2009
I have for long, been searching for the perfect backup software for my Server running Windows Server 2003. I thought I had the perfect software, Uranium Backup. It allows me to do incremental backups to avoid have to backup 1.5 TB each and every night, and only the changed / modified files. Problem is, I have an option in the program to "synchronize" meaning, remove any files from the backup that have since been deleted from the source directory as I am constantly moving files around and do not want 3 copies of the same file in my backup because I have moved them a few times after each backup.

I THINK my best bet, if no one has a better software suggestion to my needs below, is to use something like Acronis True Image , which I believe would save a "current state" snapshot of the system, which would solve my issue of moving files and ending up with copies in different places, as it is a "current" snapshot and only reflects where things are in the present time.

I humbly ask Hard OCP'ers out there to please help me, I'm at my wits end with this one

What I need my backup to do:

  1. Backup my 1.5 TB of combined storage on my server
  2. Ability to perform only incremental backups
  3. sychronize changes, so if I delete a file it does not* show up in the backup
  4. mail report when backup is finished
Nothing guys?

I ended up running this temporarily, which does what I need it to.

@echo off

robocopy.exe "C:" "J:\C Drive" /copyall /mir /xo /eta /xd "C:\Windows" /xf "*.sys" "*.dat" "*.com" "*.log" ".lock" /r:1 /w:5 /log:"J:\Logs\C Drive\C_Drive.txt"
robocopy.exe "L:" "J:\L Drive" /copyall /mir /xo /eta /r:1 /w:5 /log+:"J:\Logs\L Drive\L_Drive.txt"
robocopy.exe "M:" "J:\M Drive" /copyall /mir /xo /eta /r:1 /w:5 /log+:"J:\Logs\M Drive\M_Drive.txt"
robocopy.exe "N:" "J:\N Drive" /copyall /mir /xo /eta /r:1 /w:5 /log+:"J:\Logs\N Drive\N_Drive.txt"
robocopy.exe "O:" "J:\O Drive" /copyall /mir /xo /eta /r:1 /w:5 /log+:"J:\Logs\O Drive\O_Drive.txt"

ren "J:\Logs\C Drive\C_Drive.txt" C_Drive_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~10,4%.txt
ren "J:\Logs\C Drive\L_Drive.txt" L_Drive_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~10,4%.txt
ren "J:\Logs\C Drive\M_Drive.txt" M_Drive_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~10,4%.txt
ren "J:\Logs\C Drive\N_Drive.txt" N_Drive_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~10,4%.txt
ren "J:\Logs\C Drive\O_Drive.txt" O_Drive_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~10,4%.txt

Hmm, I'm not sure that it is correct to delete files that were deleted. What if they were deleted by malware? But if you want, try Handy Backup. Create "incremental backup" task, check "delete all files except those being backed up" and be happy.