windows server 2008. which antivirus?


[H]F Junkie
Feb 26, 2006
i built my file server and was wondering which antivirus do you all recommend i use for this.
does it have to be a special nod32 for servers or can it be the consumer versions?
Since you're saying "for my fileserver" and not for a job, I'm assuming you got this through DreamSpark? If so, check your school's website to see if they offer anything. My school lets you get McAfee Enterprise 8.5.0i for free.
yea its from dreamspark...i dont think my school is listed...i remember just signing up just to get the windows server....ill double check though
does it have to be a special nod32 for servers or can it be the consumer versions?

Business version.

I'd recommend eset as well but cost is going to prob make you look for something else.
Since you're saying "for my fileserver" and not for a job, I'm assuming you got this through DreamSpark? If so, check your school's website to see if they offer anything. My school lets you get McAfee Enterprise 8.5.0i for free.

is there a school listing on the dreamspark? or the actual school website
is there a school listing on the dreamspark? or the actual school website

On the actual school website. For example, if I go to my school's IT website, there is a link for software and I can choose to download McAfee to comply with their computing policy if I don't already have something else.
On the actual school website. For example, if I go to my school's IT website, there is a link for software and I can choose to download McAfee to comply with their computing policy if I don't already have something else.

darn my college doesnt have that
does it have to be a special nod32 for servers or can it be the consumer versions?

With 3.0, you need the business edition. Business Edition starts at 5x users which does bring it's price up, but I don't know what you current run for antivirus, if this is a single home user, or a business network that you're adding onto, etc..
With 2.7, doesn't matter.

But since more details came out later in this thread...looks like you're all set, through school.
With 3.0, you need the business edition. Business Edition starts at 5x users which does bring it's price up, but I don't know what you current run for antivirus, if this is a single home user, or a business network that you're adding onto, etc..
With 2.7, doesn't matter.

But since more details came out later in this thread...looks like you're all set, through school.

my school doesnt let me download software. this is for a home server not business setting.
Since its a server and your not going to use it as primary machinie for work/play just get clamwin it works supprisingly well.
If the server is to host Simply Accounting you will not be able to use NOD32. It blocks some of the ports Simply needs to run. The workstations get firewall errors. Several hours of tech support, exclusions lists and still no results.

Simply stand alone works great with NOD32, just not server based.

If the server is to host Simply Accounting you will not be able to use NOD32. It blocks some of the ports Simply needs to run. The workstations get firewall errors. Several hours of tech support, exclusions lists and still no results.

Are you talking about their ESS product? (which is the antivirus and firewall combo)
NOD32 is their antivirus only product...there's no "firewall" in it, thus no port blocking. Only port 2222 is used to contact the RAS server for management, and whatever port you assign for http updates from the management server (8081 by default).

Regardless, the OP stated it's a server being used in his home...sorta doubt he's running an accounting app from it.
Well, I still suggest as a rating. But some would call me biased, since Microsoft scored Advanced+.

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I am also looking for AV for my 2003 server box. I use to use Nod 2.7 but it "hangs" on .exe files. Example, if you copy over a .exe the transfer seems real slow, because Nod32 is scanning it but it takes like freaking 10 seconds. Many have confirmed this on some thread while back.

How is latest Symantec AV Corporate?
I am also looking for AV for my 2003 server box. I use to use Nod 2.7 but it "hangs" on .exe files. Example, if you copy over a .exe the transfer seems real slow, because Nod32 is scanning it but it takes like freaking 10 seconds. Many have confirmed this on some thread while back.

How is latest Symantec AV Corporate?

Horrible, I tried using SEP last year on my 2008 AD server. I had to disable every feature except the AV part because it wasn't compatible with 2008. With AV enabled alone it still caused my server to randomly reboot too. I tried about 5 different builds over the next few months all failed to work properly. Symantec kept saying the issues would be resolved with the next build but they never were. I haven't tried the latest build I would recommended avoiding SEP a for 2008 platform all together.

I finally bought NOD32 and haven't had a problem since. I am currently working on migrating my entire network over to ESET because it just works and and is really easy to setup and deploy across an entire network from a single server.
I am also looking for AV for my 2003 server box. I use to use Nod 2.7 but it "hangs" on .exe files. Example, if you copy over a .exe the transfer seems real slow, because Nod32 is scanning it but it takes like freaking 10 seconds. Many have confirmed this on some thread while back.

How is latest Symantec AV Corporate?
nod32 2.7 is hella old bro. just sayin.
nod32 2.7 is hella old bro. just sayin.

And Eset still considers it mainstream. If you need exchange AV 2.7 is your only choice for the server. In the case of an SBS box that can handle exchange and file shares it really is the only choice if you run eset.
nice to read that site, interesting to see that even though NOD32 is good over all, that often it is almost never 1st in anything but beaten by other apps i have seen alot of people say suck or are no good nd NOD32 is superior to.