Delete 10 facebook friends and get a free whopper!

you can get a free famous star w/ cheese from carls jr. for free 1 everyday with a couple posted on slickdeals in .pdf format, tried it last night :)
sadly, I only have real friends on facebook. Actually, it's not sad, but now I need to add 10 scrubs to dump for a whopper.
man.. my friends count just went from 225 to 182.

think its because of this? or that i'm an ass..;)
Lol, that is the best app ever.
Who needs friends when you've got food....

That sounded better in my head..
Dude this app is a great idea... just 1 complaint. The first person I wanted to remove... don't like him at all... it wouldn't let me delete him with this app! GAH!
I haven't gotten the coupon yet, but I did this a little while back. It was pretty funny talking to the friends that I deleted after they were notified...kind of tough to explain sacrificing them for a tenth of one whopper. :p
Yeah, just got mine today as well.... I'll let you know how victory tastes....
I'll bet you a whopper that it tastes like..........

a whopper.

Seriously though, on a scale of one to excellent, this was awesome!