Video games for 2 year old


Limp Gawd
Sep 3, 2004
Anyone have any recommendations for games for kids that are like 2?
PC or PS3? something that is easy, learning, and i can play with him.
(want to get him started early :) )
Most 2 year olds still are trying not to pee themselves. With that in mind, Civilization.
I'm a life-long gamer and my daughter is three. I started her off last year with a refurb gamecube that I bought off ebay for $15. My nephew has all the games so I just borrowed his when he moved up to a Wii. For Christmas, I just bought her a Leapster 2 to play on her own and she has picked it right up.
I'm a life-long gamer and my daughter is three. I started her off last year with a refurb gamecube that I bought off ebay for $15. My nephew has all the games so I just borrowed his when he moved up to a Wii. For Christmas, I just bought her a Leapster 2 to play on her own and she has picked it right up.

Trainin' that hand eye coordination right out of the crib I see lol
Two's a little young. It's generally best have as little video entertainment as possible in the very formative years.
Why don't you just go ahead and start supplementing his diet with Cheetos and Mountain Dew while you're at it.
I had some success playing Peggle Extreme with my 2-year-old nephew. He didn't quite understand the goal (nor did I for a while, to tell the truth), but he seemed to understand the actions and what effect they had on the game. For a kid that young though, the major obstacle is hand-eye coordination: getting them to understand the control scheme is tough, even when the control scheme is more or less just moving the mouse left and right and occasionally pressing the space bar.

We've probably had the most luck with Windows Paint, however. While it's not a game per se, it's fun for them and a good "introduction" to the Windows GUI, for whatever that's worth. The kid knows how to click on colors he wants and has a basic understanding of what the various tools do and how they work. Pretty easy stuff.

A kid's tricycle and a helmet. Excersize at an early age is influential later in life.
I know this is a weird place to voice this...
But honestly I would keep your child as far away from video games as you can, playing/exercise in the gorgeous outdoors is the best thing you can do for your child and is a trillion times more interesting and important than video games.

I am so thankful my parents waited to introduce an NES to me until I was like 12'ish and Severely limited my playtime. I am also incredibly thankful they had me playing outside/sports my whole life, and that I am still in great shape today and play video games only when every other option has been exhausted.

Two's a little young. It's generally best have as little video entertainment as possible in the very formative years.
It is no suprise that ~60% of this nation is overweight, and 35% is obese with the absolutely atrocious habits parents ingrain in their children these days :mad:
Seeing an overweight/obese child makes me want to do some really fucking cruel things to their parents...
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I found one perfect for ages 1-5. It's called ClickToy. It's an interactive, panoramic lakeside retreat for animals. Every key on the board has an effect. The number pad is like a piano. There are weather evffects you can manipulate. There are a total of 4 scenes. My 2 year old likes it. Funny enough she also likes to watch me play Gears of War.
Start out with educational stuff and stay with it as long as you can. Soon enough he will discover the non-educational games.

Leapster - a tough lil handheld with lot of educational games. I think there is an updated version now, so it may have a different name (L-Max?). ToysRUs carried it.

PC - for that young age, the Blue's Clues series and Elmo (Sesame Street) comes to mind. You may have to find used versions of those.

One suggestion is to find out what TV shows he likes that are at least somewhat educational and then look for games based on those shows.
Diego has a game out for the Wii
Most kids are into Dora the explorer or Diego by the time they are 1, and the games are very simple.
Dora has a handful of simple games for the PC that play out like the episodes. The kid just helps pick colors and objects. For that age, thats about as much as you can hope for.
My 3 year old son loves Forza 2.He has problems with the controller but enjoys crashing into the wall.
I started out my gaming career with Commander Keen, somewhere around 2. Probably not the greatest game though, as teaching a kid shooting that early, depending on how they turn out - could be very bad.

A kid's tricycle and a helmet. Excersize at an early age is influential later in life.

Two's a little young. It's generally best have as little video entertainment as possible in the very formative years.

Both valid and the socially accepted norm, but who the fuck wants a n00b as a kid.

Why don't you just go ahead and start supplementing his diet with Cheetos and Mountain Dew while you're at it.

left 4 dead

Now were talkin'.

May I suggest Trackmania. Its free, and not hard to play.
Anyone have any recommendations for games for kids that are like 2?
PC or PS3? something that is easy, learning, and i can play with him.
(want to get him started early :) )

Start them on mario. Get a snes or something for cheap.

I started with mario first when i was young :).
Both valid and the socially accepted norm, but who the fuck wants a n00b as a kid.

I rather have a n00b as a kid than a steaming pile of glutton.

EDIT: 'course as a kinesiologist, I'm gonna have my kid lifting weights as soon as is possible. :D :p

Having said that, Puzzle Pop or games like that seem like they might be worth a shot.
My daughter just goes to the Nickjr and noggin websites and does the flash games. Those work well.
i also vote flash games (if the child is an average two year old, that is). if the child is of a decidedly more mature mental capacity, i would like to vote for "Houston's 500" as an educational video to watch, or listen to as background music, while playing something relaxing, like The Suffering.
Might as well give the kid away now.....
Obviously you're not going to do him much good.
I wonder why you want to 'get him started' at such a young age.
From a mental and social aspect, getting hooked on video games is never a good thing.
I wonder why you want to 'get him started' at such a young age.
From a mental and social aspect, getting hooked on video games is never a good thing.

Just because he is playing video games doesn't mean he is hooked. Everything in moderation.

My daughter started playing games young too. It's amazing how much she has learned and picked up on. They can be very educational and it seems kids can learn from them very easily.
I encourage my 3 year old to read (with one of those Leapfrog pens), ride her tricycle (when the weather is good), and do artistic things with me. Loves the water paints.

Soon as she gets home from her mom's house, we're going to start working on her ABCs with a paint brush and a big canvas for a painting in her room.

As for games, she's used my Wacom tablet to play in MS Paint on the TV in the living room. She's also figured out how to water her plants in Viva Pinata.
WTF get him outside and hope he won't be a loser and knows how to talk to girls when he grows up instead of sitting in your basement playing WoW 3.
WTF get him outside and hope he won't be a loser and knows how to talk to girls when he grows up instead of sitting in your basement playing WoW 3.

Just because kids play video games doesn't mean they are sitting inside doing it all day long.
Maybe at night, or when it's rainy.
grand theft auto may also want to begin teaching the young lad about the magic properties of crack cocaine and the artistic value of bukkake videos.