Filter Messages into Folders (Exchange/Outlook/OWA)


Oct 7, 2005
Okay well the president of the company belongs to some business groups, and they FLOOD his inbox with crap. Now occasional they have something worth reading, but most of the time its crap. If it wasnt for the occasional useful email, i would just blacklist the domain and be done with it, but he reads a few of the posts and the "reply to alls" as well.

I know with webmail providers we could just filter all e-mails from a certain domain and put them in a different folder.

Is this possible with an Exchange/Outlook/OWA environment?
You do not mention what version of Exchange but I know with 2003 and 2007 OWA you can click Options and then Rules and setup rules based on criteria such as sending domain.

Or you can use Outlook to setup server side rules (basically same thing) under the Tools menu and then Rules.
as bean dip said,

inside outlook....

tools -> rules and alerts -> configure to your hearts content

I just logged into my OWA for work and couldn't find the rules in there as he suggested, but it definitely works in outlook.
okay then ill have to wait until I get into the office to change his rules. (I couldnt find it in OWA either)

Thanks for the help Bean Dip