PC Stripper Helps Spam to Spread

Face it, porn is the number one thing that internet surfers do. People deny it left and right until their hearts bleed, but we all know what liars we are ;-)

Spammers apparently know this too.
I'm actually pretty impressed with this. I know it's always a matter of time before anti hacking methods are thwarted, but this is a new one for me.
Maybe I'm just dense - but I don't get it. How is the spammer using this to for nefarious means? It tricks you into filling in captchas that you shouldn't be??
Maybe I'm just dense - but I don't get it. How is the spammer using this to for nefarious means? It tricks you into filling in captchas that you shouldn't be??

yes... for example say the captcha was from yahoo chat.. the chat bot backend would try to log into the chat and hit a captcha... the bot then would push that image to the porn program, the user would type in the right info, and then a bot would use that inputed text to enter the chat room.
yes... for example say the captcha was from yahoo chat.. the chat bot backend would try to log into the chat and hit a captcha... the bot then would push that image to the porn program, the user would type in the right info, and then a bot would use that inputed text to enter the chat room.

Electronic slammer (bot) using humans to solve the captchas..... BRILIANT!!!!!
Hats off to people behind it...:cool:
This is fucking brilliant, use humans to solve captchas for you in a non Chinese-WoW-gold-sweat-shop kind of way.
Sure it sounds like a good idea, but do you know how many typos you make when typing one handed? Oh, of course you do.;)
Heh. Installing this kept spammers off my forum. Most CAPTCHAs are decrypted by computer already. Putting a pron browsing person in the mix would defeat the query/response method, but I've already had people complain that they couldn't figure out the answer to the question I created. Thing is, they're the same people I don't want registering anyway so it's become something of an IQ test.

"This is fucking brilliant, use humans to solve captchas for you in a non Chinese-WoW-gold-sweat-shop kind of way."

I literally started typing 'this is fucking brilliant', then decided to check the previous comments. This is the beginning of an evolution to the world in the movie, 'Toys', with Robin Williams. Think you're playing a fun video game where you blow up stuff? No, you're actually flying a real bomber fighting in a war you don't know about.
lmao I actually did this once, except they made it more game-like by putting a timer on there to see how fast you could do em. Slowest timer was 10 seconds and fastest timer was 5, so it really wasn't that hard. Didn't realize it was for this lolololol