Recent content by Tower

  1. T

    C++: Blocking Constructors/Assignment Operators

    Excellent post Mini-Me, thank you.
  2. T

    C++: Blocking Constructors/Assignment Operators

    How many default Constructors and Assignment Operators are there to "block"? Example: class Obj { public: // Default constructor. Obj(void); // Destructor. ~Obj(void); private: // Copy constructors. Obj(Obj&); Obj(const Obj&); // Move constructors (new in...
  3. T

    .NET IDisposable

    That's a great response, PTNL. Another question that comes to mind is that IDisposable is so simple, and .NET implements it via try/catch and also via using--so why don't they simply support "Dispose()" as an optional function in a class without requiring inheriting a 6-line class?
  4. T

    .NET IDisposable

    I've recently had to start writing C# (moving from C++), and one of the first discussions I had today with peers was about IDisposable, as the CLR collects garbage own it's own, the Destructor (or Finalizer) doesn't always get called immediately (as it does in C++). Here's a quick example of...
  5. T

    Android: Broadcast Receivers, Intents, Services & Application Lifecycles

    Whew. This is a doozy. This post is directly related to a personal application I have in the Android Marketplace for free, Car Kit. Android applications can...
  6. T

    Android: Broadcast Receivers, Intents, Services & Application Lifecycles

    Whew. This is a doozy. This post is directly related to a personal application I have in the Android Marketplace for free, Car Kit. Android applications can register Broadcast Receivers (which are designed to 'listen' for messages passed around the system) in order to perform certain goals...
  7. T

    RAGE is still sucks, 3 months later. (Screenshots)

    Thanks for the comments and advice--I did try adjusting my CCC settings, but despite my best efforts, the game still seems to suffer severe problems. The best option so far was to disable absolutely everything and let Catalyst AI handle it (great suggestion, Nihilanth99 & TheBlueChanell)...
  8. T

    RAGE is still sucks, 3 months later. (Screenshots)

    I had to share. I was pissed at the controversy that surrounded this game; I waited four weeks for fixes (both in terms of PC patches and driver updates, I have a Radeon 48xx series card.) Here we are, 3 months later, multiple driver revisions (and fixes) later, and I was under the pretense...
  9. T

    Nexus-Jellybean ?

    Nothing has been announced, and ICS is only 2 months old. It's too premature to make any assumptions.
  10. T

    C++ Q: Constructor Hiding

    You raise a good point, in that while my class might be huge, internally it could allocate memory on the heap, and thus solve it's own problem. There is no specific problem, it's hypothetical for my own understanding. You've cleared that up for me. Even in cases where an object has a lot of...
  11. T

    C++ Q: Constructor Hiding

    Thanks to you both for the answers. Triple Edit: The purpose of this question was to determine how I could force users to place large objects on the heap rather than the stack, when I believe that the object will be huge and could lead to stack-related problems (like blowing it.) So a...
  12. T

    C++ Q: Constructor Hiding

    My Google-fu is failing me, or (more likely) I'm not asking the question correctly. You can get pretty specific with Constructor hiding; one thing I'm curious about is forcing the user to instantiate your object on the heap (as a pointer) rather than the stack. I'm comfortable with hiding the...
  13. T

    Job Market

    This is the first time I've heard of FizzBuzz. lol. And while I laugh at it's concept, I'm surprised that "veteran" programmers can't perform operations like that on the spot. I'm a green developer and I could perform those tasks easily. It is interesting to compare that with this thread...
  14. T

    Help on thinking recursively?

    This really makes me wonder how much it takes to blow the stack on a given platform. I wish I would've taken some low-level hardware / OS courses. This is an interesting read:
  15. T

    Help on thinking recursively?

    Really? I wrote a recursive function to walk a directory structure, log each directory and each file, and copy all files and directories (calling itself recursively for each directory it found) from the source to the target destination, and I've copied thousands of files and directories with...