Recent content by Sovi3t

  1. Sovi3t

    Rocketing Ain't Easy

    Hmmmm well it definitely isnt a turbo pump failure then. Going back and looking at the video again closer it looks like the initial problem appeared about one second after the engine fired right as it began to throttle up and lift off the pad. Here is a page on the engine...
  2. Sovi3t

    Rocketing Ain't Easy

    It looks like the turbo pump failed. You can see a small explosion just above the engine bell right after liftoff. Also the exhaust appears to fluctuate before the engine cut out indicating fuel flow issues.
  3. Sovi3t

    Reddit To Crack Down On Abuse

    Maybe this will finally kill reddit.
  4. Sovi3t

    It's BIG and WHITE and a Kilowatt - CORSAIR and HARDOCP PUT IT IN FOR FREE

    I will take this for make glorious benefit soviet union!