Recent content by Slipperyfrog

  1. S

    I must say I do find it amazing that vista has not slowed down at all since install..

    I hear you. I have been absolutely surprised how much I'm taking to liking Vista. Find myself never needed to go over to my dual boot of XP.
  2. S

    Antec P180 owners - need help w/ PSU

    Get out the dremel then I guess. :)
  3. S

    Antec P180 owners - need help w/ PSU

    I was able to install the PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750 QUAD in the P180b that I received recently. The case was the newer 182 revision. It was a tight fit but did not even need to remove the bottom fan.
  4. S

    P180B = P182 ???

    Mine appears to be the new format with water cooling holes and holes in the motherboard tray for routing cables. Got it a couple of days ago from Newegg. It shipped from California.