Recent content by RDJ

  1. R

    Downloading Vista Business as I type....

    I've been running it on a Dell 9150 for a couple days now. Works well, but did have a couple minor issues. 1. Couldn't complete the install without going into the BIOS and setting up the HDD for ATA mode instead of the default. Probably should have upgraded the BIOS prior to install (dell...
  2. R

    Dell 9150+24"LCD deal from wednesday - general overview

    Hay, I got the same deal but chose some upgrades. Got the 667 MHZ 1G RAM (2x512: 80 bucks) ATI X600 video (40 bucks) Using ATITool to overclock easily does 500GPU/400RAM stable Getting ~2000 3DMark 05 Will upgrade the video some day.. -RJ.
  3. R

    Is there a way to change the refresh rates on 2001fp?

    Changing the refresh rate of the video card can have a performance effect.
  4. R

    BFG FX 5900 nu

    Found mine in Anahiem. Went to get a mouse adapter, left with a video card. They have at least another 5 or 6 behind the one I picked up. Bought it on Tuesday. They're on the right hand side of the video section about 3 or 4 shelves up.
  5. R

    BFG FX 5900 nu

    I got mine @ Fry's for 199. a few day ago. Full retail version including CoD. Try
  6. R

    ati radeon 9500 pro oc core/mem question

    If you pass the above test & If you don't have the Hynix 3.6, then try bumping the mem up to 310. That should help.
  7. R

    1801fp Specs?

    Here's the coupon. Dell Home: $25 off coupon code: 33805DD692A8
  8. R

    VGA silencer on crack

    Mine spins clockwise and I think that's how it was designed. If you wanna remove the switch, connect the RED/Yellow and leave the black floating. That's the full speed setting. Worked for me. -RJ.
  9. R

    BFG Fx5900 400/800 128 MB

    I bought one a couple day ago. Moved from 9500Pro. 3DMark-03 went from 4302 on the 9500Pro to 5771 on the 5900. Running P4 2.4B stock timings. Five minutes ago I tried to flash mine to the A380u, but after the flash, things didn't work. No video. Make sure you save your old bios prior...
  10. R

    PCI Slot Question

    If the card would extend beyond your slot, then it seems to be a 64bit card while your slot is 32-bit. It should still plug & play.
  11. R

    Omega Drivers for cat 4.1's out !!

    No luck for me. Omega 4.1 keep crashing in CoD. Even at stock clock speeds. I went back to the 3.1 (9500 soft mod) and it's running smooth again. Just feels better too. Here's my config Intel 865PERLL P4-2.4B 1GB CMX3200C2 1:1 BB-ATI 9500Pro XP DirectX9.0b. -RJ.
  12. R

    Abit IC7-Max3 vs. Asus P4C800-E DELUXE

    Still too early to tell, but just found this link regarding Max3/Prescott.
  13. R

    I need a little help with my 9500 Pro!

    Yea, the VGA silencer works on the 9500Pro. Works even better if you use a cool air intake fan on the case and have it blow towards the card. Guess it's dependent on your system though. I like the Omega 3.1 or 4.1 drivers. 3.1 seem more stable, 4.1 give me 9 more 3dMark03. 4.1's come...
  14. R

    Omega Drivers for cat 4.1's out !!

    What's your clocks set to on the core / ram? Are you running stock bios ? I'm running the soft-mode Omega 3.1 on my 9500Pro and they've been the fastest most stable drivers yet. I did have some problems if I installed them without the .Net SP, but after installing that and then doing a...
  15. R

    Top P4 Motherboard right now?

    OK, didn't want to upgrade my mobo but had to in order to go from 2.4b to prescott due to mobo not supporting VREG 1.5. Now, I read on some other forum that Max3 doesn't support the 1MB L3 cache without some type of mod possibly including hardware. Abit's site lists only .13u support...