Recent content by ondaedg

  1. O

    Two New Deadpool Trailers For Christmas

    I thought deadpool was a bad guy in that Wolverine movie and didn't he get cut in half?
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    Tim Cook On Apple Avoiding U.S. Taxes: 'Total Political Crap'

    Blah blah insult blah blah. Everything you just said they would have to pay would have to be paid in EVERY other country and then some. You just proved absolutely nothing. Warren is dead right. America is the greatest country in the world to start a tech company in. But like everything in life...
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    Tim Cook On Apple Avoiding U.S. Taxes: 'Total Political Crap'

    There are HUGE advantages to building a tech company in America and Apple took advantage of them.
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    Tim Cook On Apple Avoiding U.S. Taxes: 'Total Political Crap'

    Here is how Apple benefited from the United States: Our patent and intellectual property laws protected them. Our roads, bridges, power lines, and infrastructure kept their operations working. Our military and police forces provided a lawful environment for their business. Our investors...
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    How Much More Does Medication Cost In The US?

    Prove it with facts rather than your lame proclamations. European citizens laugh at us for allowing our health care system to syphon citizens' money. You can spout specialized treatments all you want but the cold hard facts are people live longer in other countries and have better health care...
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    How Much More Does Medication Cost In The US?

    Studies have shown that tort reform would bring costs down about 3%. This doesn't even dent the overall problem of the highest health care costs in the developed world by double or more.
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    How Much More Does Medication Cost In The US?

    It's not about privilege or "human rights". It's about free market principles being destroyed by industry influencing law makers to prevent competition and price negotiating which is a fundamental and absolutely necessary part of free markets. Damn dude do some research before going to the...
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    How Much More Does Medication Cost In The US?

    The guys who pushed the medicare part d through the house such as Billy Tauzin fought to prevent the US government from negotiating with pharma. They also fought to prevent us peon citizens from importing drugs from countries that pay much less. Those same reps immediately left after the bill...
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    Audi Says 2.1M Cars Have 'Cheat' Emissions Software

    If they get a slap on the wrist then yes they'll profit from it. But the hit they're taking in just consumer sentiment is going to take years for them to recover. It takes 17x more money to get a lost customer back than it was to sell them in the first place. Free markets will win this game...
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    Audi Says 2.1M Cars Have 'Cheat' Emissions Software

    I'll take 40x less nitric oxide in the air I breathe. Thanks for asking.
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    P.A.M.E.L.A. Trailer 2

    Dunno bout the game but great trailer production.
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    Map Of US States Compares Energy Use With Foreign Countries

    Sorry but this is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've read today and I've been on the internet for over an hour. SMH...
  13. O

    The US Owes The World $4 Trillion For Trashing The Climate

    100+ years of surface temperature readings is a good start. Nice try at trying to make the problem so big it can't be completely understood by science.
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    The US Owes The World $4 Trillion For Trashing The Climate

    That is hilarious. As if plants were choking to death on O2 before man came along. So now the argument is we need more CO2 because plants don't have enough? Thanks for the chuckle.
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    The US Owes The World $4 Trillion For Trashing The Climate

    Hah a pigeon. Never been called that before. I'm going to put the onus on you to come up with legitimate studies that show that the world's scientists are wrong. Please show how the melting sea and glacial ices, the record setting ground, air, and water temperatures, and raising sea levels are...