Recent content by MrGoodbar

  1. M

    Facebook Reports 138% Surge In Profits

    Oh right, aren't you that guy that love talking with his Xbox one so much? Such a busy person that he must use voice command as you're leaving the house? How technologically advanced, you must be. Glad you can pay some attention to my posts and not pay escorts all the time. :rolleyes: I...
  2. M

    Kickstarter-Funded Game Dev Is The Airbnb Squatter

    But California....knows how to party.
  3. M

    Facebook Reports 138% Surge In Profits

    Pretty close to that point. Hey look! Nike stuff!
  4. M

    Kids Kill Over 100k People In Video Games By 18

    Back in my quake 2 days, (spent a thousand or so hours over a years) with an average of 350 something FPH when I was 13 or 14 playing on gamespy servers (god I miss them) I'd say 100K is n00b level by 18. Thank god for 64-player quake 2 madness with the BGH and double shotgun + quad damage...
  5. M

    Original Rickroll Video Is Gone From YouTube

    I actually kinda liked the song.
  6. M

    Another Successfully Kickstarted Game Cancelled

    Can we kick start this again?
  7. M

    You Don't Have To Be Okay With Violence In Video Games

    Umm, violence has been around since Wolfenstein. The graphics have only gotten better. Remember Mortal Kombat in the 90s? that's what? like 22 going on 23 years ago? Punching heads off, ripping peoples' heads off with spine still attached, ripping peoples beating hearts out, nut shots by...
  8. M

    Yahoo Not Ready To Scoop Up AOL

    Let's try that again...
  9. M

    People Without Landlines Are Smokers And Heavy Drinkers

    Didn't have a landline since I moved out of my mom's house 7 or 8 years ago after university. I don't subscribe to crap I don't use at least a few hours a day that are non-essential. The only two telecommunications I subscribe to is an internet connection and a cell plan with data. When the hell...
  10. M

    Remote Control Birth Control Implant

    Protest groups will be watering at the mouth once this idea hits them. Signs that read: REMOTE CONTROL BIRTH CONTROL = MURDER!!!!! or WHAT DIFFERENCE IS REMOTE BOMB AND REMOTE BIRTH CONTROL? BOTH PREVENT AND KILL LIFE. :rolleyes:
  11. M

    Firefox & Safari Continue to Suck Even More

    I use Chrome only because it easily lets me search google for images for research purposes. Whichever browser gets me the info I need I will go to.
  12. M

    Gears of War Designer Returns to Video Gaming

  13. M

    Bad Video Game Behavior Makes You A Better Person

    If that's true, I must be one of the best people alive today. Thank you GTA, DOOM, Quake, Wolfenstein etc etc big name games.
  14. M

    Courts: Defacing Facebook And Physical Property Are The Same Thing

    This is probably a cry from people who leave their facebook pages signed in at an apple store and people put questionable comments on it. #hackedfacebook #lololz #yougotfacebookhackedfromleavingyouraccountsignedinattheapplestoreandihackedithahahahhahahaetcetchashtagfun