Recent content by mindlessmusings

  1. M

    dell gone linux??

  2. M

    This Vista crap has screwed me

    you forgot the "wealthy" part
  3. M

    new hdd too?

    sorry if it seems like it's in the wrong forum, it's just that doing a mobo/cpu upgrade would probably be very similar to getting a new computer
  4. M

    new hdd too?

    i just finished building a computer with everything in it except the hard drive i was wondering if i could just put my existing hard drive from another computer into the new computer and boot successfully, or would i have to put a fresh hard drive into the new comp and install windows xp...
  5. M

    free ipod, and no not the one at duke

    *gets ready to be flamed*
  6. M

    free ipod, and no not the one at duke

    well okay, i guess those url's are against the rules here...
  7. M

    free ipod, and no not the one at duke

    EDIT: sorry for more info about this free ipod thing "I emailed the FBI about this and found out its not a scam. The site makes $200 profit and thats after mailing out an ipod!!!" hope this thread isn't against the forum rules or anything
  8. M

    d-link not working with isp

    okay, so, i got the d-link DI-624 wireless router, set it up, and now i can't connect with my isp. when i try to connect to my isp, it stays at the status of "Connecting to WAN miniport (PPPOE)", then after a while, an error shows up that says "Error 678: The remote computer did not respond...
  9. M

    dell gone linux??

    ah poo, i think you're right... :(
  10. M

    dell gone linux??

    After being berated by Microsoft for attempting to sell Linux on some of the company's desktop systems, Dell has decided to stop selling Windows altogether. CEO Michael Dell said, in a fictional conference call with reporters, "Microsoft is in no position to push us around. By selling Linux, we...
  11. M

    MSI Radeon 9800 Pro Question

    i heard the msi 9800 pro was just an underclocked xt
  12. M

    w00t! more gmail stuff

    i'd be more than happy to
  13. M

    w00t! more gmail stuff

    i just got my gmail account from here: you have to scroll down a bit to see the links get em before they run out!! _________________________ Check the sticky for all gmail hookups. --KK