Recent content by Micah Harwell

  1. M

    Beginning Multi-Platform App Development - What Language and Libraries?

    JavaScript is the native language of web browsers, as well as back end servers using something like Node.js. Web browsers run on nearly every platform, and there is *very* little that native apps can do that web apps can't. The biggest hurdle that you'll find with serious JS development is how...
  2. M

    Holy shit, the bugs in Chrome

    If Chrome has any competition, it is Firefox. Both of them are on the cutting-edge of modern web technologies (offline support via service workers anyone?). Safari is just now catching up after two years. When you're on the forefront of anything things break sometimes. Plus, it is software...
  3. M

    IBoot source code for iPhone leaked online

    Let's get real guys, there are *no* 100% secure consumer operating systems, bootloaders, smart phones, dumb phones, networks, processors, etc. If you think they are, just give it some time.