Recent content by Maxx_Power

  1. M

    Huawei is in Trouble

    This is a fun read. I totally forgot about Huawei and started thinking about tanks. Wait, is that part of the 5G rollout?
  2. M

    Chinese Game Ban is Fueling Steam Growth

    What about IN video games?
  3. M

    Chinese Game Ban is Fueling Steam Growth

    Hilarious stuff by our standards. That breeze killing children thing must be originated from the earlier fan-death myth from Korea. I just want to point out that there is some semi-truth/context to some of those claims: (1) Cold water as in tap water has been and still is in most of China -...
  4. M

    Der8auer Delids 9900k and Investigates TIM

    To the best of my knowledge, the topmost silicon layer of these reverse-package chips are usually known as the de-stress layer. They are there to mechanically cope with differential thermal expansion under load. If this layer isn't specified correctly in thickness, the silicon die can...
  5. M

    FCC Urges Apple to Protect Safety of Americans by Activating FM Radio Chip In iPhones

    “Apple cares deeply about the safety of our users, especially during times of crisis and that’s why we have engineered modern safety solutions into our products. Users can dial emergency services and access Medical ID card information directly from the Lock Screen, and we enable government...
  6. M

    Samsung Finally Lets You Disable the Bixby Button without a Third-Party App

    Probably a good idea to think features through and test them before shoving them into the latest phone to beat Apple.
  7. M

    China Will Block All VPNs by February 2018

    Deep packet inspection. China has been using that for over a decade. Almost all known VPN protocols (as of 2014) leave certain telltale patterns that the traffic encrypted (however many bits) in a sequence of packets is VPN-related. It takes a few packets (as of 2014) to identify the traffic...
  8. M

    Man Fined $500 for Writing "I Am an Engineer" in Email to Oregon Engineering Board

    Italians have always looked up to quality engineers ever since the leaning tower of Pisa. /joke
  9. M

    Man Fined $500 for Writing "I Am an Engineer" in Email to Oregon Engineering Board

    I don't think the entire PE thing was originated by the Gubmint. That association has tried to pressure every state in the US and spread its influence in the minds of university students for a long time now. They want everyone to believe that you are a true engineer when you pass their...
  10. M

    Anti-Dog Labels Found inside Samsung Galaxy Phones

    Well, LG is also Korean.
  11. M

    Court Orders Pornhub to Expose Copyright Infringers

    "Wankz, who not only want their pornos taken down but the identities of the uploaders revealed" and shake their hands.
  12. M

    PSA: OneDrive Storage Limit Was Cut to 1TB This Week

    I think it is fair that if OneDrive bothers you with a popup once a week, you can complain on a forum once a week with a post. There is nothing wrong with that particular frequency.
  13. M

    IBM Replacing PCs With Macs Within The Company

    My previous university's physics research group all switched to iMacs at some point, years ago (admittedly Apple's least reliable computer). They all work wonderfully. Previously it was iterations of Dells and IBMs. A lot of other researchers in the group doing computational stuff, myself...
  14. M

    NVIDIA Founders Edition Cards - Yea or Nay? @ [H]

    I agree. It is not just the visible components either (like memory). A quick example is: a few years ago after the launch of the HD7000 series, AMD disclosed to the public that its AiB custom manufacturers were causing some serious instability in their GPUs because the ceramic surface mount...
  15. M

    Gaming PCs Are Like Sports Cars, The First Thing You Do Is Show Them Off

    I love to show off my SuperFish install and custom bios roms.