Recent content by laserpanda

  1. L

    January 2012 AMD HardOCP FX GamExperience

    They sent out an email late friday night about the tournament being first come first serve, when it became apparent that there were too many people who wanted to participate to email invites to everyone, but a lot of people missed it. I believe there was a schedule too, although it was just...
  2. L

    Is it me or are the textures in Rage blurry?

    There are a bunch of things you can change in the config, but it still doesn't look great even after you do.
  3. L

    Did AMD "kill" their enthusiast crowd...???

    I bought a Phenom 965 right before bulldozer was announced, and it seems it will still last a while. Hopefully AMD will have something more competitive when it's time for me to upgrade again.
  4. L

    January 2012 AMD HardOCP FX GamExperience

    Ah, don't know how I missed it. The board that not enough people even tried to overclock was the one I really wanted too. :( Oops no automerge here, sorry about that.
  5. L

    January 2012 AMD HardOCP FX GamExperience

    Agreed on all of that. All of the people I went with got called for the Blacklight tournament just before Corsair started their raffle, so we didn't go to the tournament. The food was awesome for the price though. I hope they keep the same venue for future events.
  6. L

    Case Colors: Is white the new black?

    Brushed aluminum.
  7. L

    Post your "Ghetto Mod" pics

    Plastic, and yes.
  8. L

    January 2012 AMD HardOCP FX GamExperience

    Where/When exactly was the overclocking thing? I didn't hear anything about it until they announced the winners.
  9. L

    The AMD Reality Check Challenge

    I played BF3 on one of them (A, I think), but I didn't know it was part of a contest. I didn't see anywhere to vote.
  10. L

    The Lian Li Gallery

    My old v300, soon to be replaced with a Q-08 or a Q-25 I cant find my picture of it with the side panel on for some reason.
  11. L

    Post your Workstation 2012

    I need a bigger desk
  12. L

    Post your "Ghetto Mod" pics

    my three dollar case. there's also another really poorly cut hole in the top for a 120mm fan. I suppose my old surround sound setup would also qualify. Not image tagged because it's a bit giant.
  13. L

    January 2012 AMD HardOCP FX GamExperience

    It was awesome! Even better than last year's event. I hope you keep having them, and they keep getting bigger. I agree with psychowes about the one main raffle though. It definitely seemed like it gave more people a chance to win.
  14. L

    Lian-Li PC-Q25

    Will a corsair H50 fit? I plan on removing the HD bay, since I just need space for one SSD.
  15. L

    Lian Li PC- Q08 itx case : Specification & Feature

    I guess I'll wait for more info on the TU200 and the Q18, If you can fit an H50 in it, I might go for one of them instead.