Recent content by L1nuxTWB

  1. L

    FS-Shuttle SS51G p4 computer system

    Im interested, would you take 300? I dont have heatware or anything though so I dont know what to do about me or email me at [email protected]
  2. L

    FS/FT: Intel P4 Motherboards, 3Com/Intel Rackmounts, Slot 1 Processors

    Holy Crap, I would give anything for the Jornada but I dont have 100 bucks :mad: , Interested in any other trades besides the ones listed?
  3. L

    Refreshing Help...

    Ah awesome , I got it:D Thanks alot guys, especially you Nick.:)
  4. L

    Refreshing Help...

    I just want to refresh the Iframe though, I have the image.jpg inside of it and thats what i want to refresh, Any more ideas?
  5. L

    Refreshing Help...

    Yeah, thats what Im trying to do , but I cant figure out the tag to make it refresh ...or what exactly to point a meta tag to...
  6. L

    Refreshing Help...

    Ok, Say I want to put the webcam image on the main page inside of a table, Is there any way possible to just refresh that certain table and the image inside of it? Or if you have another way of doing this please share, All help appreciated.
  7. L

    *Another Site Critique*

    I honestly dont know what the CDT thing is , I think its something that the host is doing. Im not putting down your opinions Im just pointing out things to you so you more understand what Im trying to accomplish.
  8. L

    *Another Site Critique*

    Wow, I used colors that best fitted my site, That [H] thing you said was just dumb, If you were at this Ars Technica reviewing my site you wouldnt have said a damn thing about the colors, So why say something about it here? The humour of the comic is that its pointless humor , You may not like...
  9. L

    *Another Site Critique*

    What are you talking about breaks the back button? Its a popup window you dont have to go back....:o
  10. L

    *Another Site Critique*

    I changed my site alot since last time , What do you guys think of it now? Thanks:D
  11. L

    I need FREE web hosting!, its a good one.
  12. L

    *Site Critique Please*

    What do you all think of it now? I changed it up a bit.:o :D
  13. L

    *Site Critique Please*

    Hello there Yohan!! Fuck Off!
  14. L

    Need Help....

    Ok I have a webcam active but I want it to autorefresh in the browser instead of having to click refresh everytime you want to see a new image, I would also like to make the browser the size of the image and not a full screen browser if you know what im saying, Does anyone have the code for this...
  15. L

    *Site Critique Please*

    Any more comments? I dont want to get rid of me flicking you off because mainly just people I know visit the site so Its a nice feature , When other people start to visit I shall perhaps change it to something a little more pleasing.