Recent content by Kloudzero

  1. K

    Wikileaks Exposes CIA Hacking Tools

    Doubtful. This isn't even the full extent of the documents; more to come. I don't think we know the dates on these docs either. The CIA could have developed newer tools since those docs were released.
  2. K

    AMD’s Vega & Ryzen “Capsaicin & Cream” Live Event

    They're attracted to Roy.
  3. K

    AMD’s Vega & Ryzen “Capsaicin & Cream” Live Event

    I liked how they cut the stream when he started talking about alcohol and endorphins. "Cut the stream, cut the stream! He's gonna tell *that* story!"
  4. K

    Origami-Inspired Shield Absorbs Handgun Bullets

    It's a neat idea but those bullets were going super slow. I wonder how it would hold up against full speed rounds...
  5. K

    Vega countdown has appeared

    Whoa 90%, huh? Look out everyone, we got an optimist here.
  6. K

    AMD Presents New Horizon

    I will do that on the condition that the "t" is pronounced silently. Deal?
  7. K

    AMD Presents New Horizon

    Loved the tepid response when they announced the 3.4 Ghz target. The meh was deafening. Zen isn't going to do much for the enthusiast platform right now it appears. We've been performance starved for years and just offering something comparable to what we have now isn't going to endear AMD to...
  8. K

    Some of the first Broadwell-E Benchmarks

    Ok, whatever dude. I'm just going to walk away and let you be angry with your 4core.
  9. K

    Some of the first Broadwell-E Benchmarks

    It's not about usage. Just because you're not at 100% usage doesn't mean you won't benefit from more cores. More cores means the work can be spread out more efficiently. Prestandaanalys: Battlefield 4 - Test - Processorer och minnesfrekvens i Battlefield 4 And that's just Shanghai. Maps that...
  10. K

    How much is the i7-2600K holding me back?

    Listen man, I'm not saying that OP specifically mentioned that he'll be playing BF1 but.....well.......he literally put that in the OP.
  11. K

    How much is the i7-2600K holding me back?

    2600k was a great CPU but it's not the mythical beast it's made out to be. That award goes to the 3930K. There's already a number of games that take advantage of 6 cores and with DX12 around the corner there's the potential that higher core CPU's will deliver even more. If it's within your...
  12. K

    So, be honest, does the resolution bother you?

    Resolution isn't a deal breaker for me. Obviously we'd all prefer higher but for an emerging tech it's more than workable. I've got the Rift and as soon as I went through the little demo thing they do I knew I was in love. I especially loved the one where they have you high up on this platform...
  13. K

    Some of the first Broadwell-E Benchmarks

    It depends on what games you intend to play and what your frame objectives are. If you have a 100hz + monitor and your objective is to have no drop 100 fps then you will definitely benefit from 6+ cores in certain games. Total War games and 64 player Battlefield are a couple of examples. Often...
  14. K

    Some of the first Broadwell-E Benchmarks

    No doubt, but with DX12 there's some preliminary evidence that high core CPU's will really benefit. Now whether that extends all the way up to 10 cores is unknown... Still for something like a 10 core at that price you're probably investing because of the benefits to video encoding and other...
  15. K

    Battlefield 5

    If they're claiming it won't be expected then perhaps a Korean War setting. That hasn't been touched yet by BF. Perhaps a futuristic setting but instead of 2142 it would be like Xcom2 style in a FPS format. Could always end up being BC3 too...