Recent content by fairlane

  1. fairlane

    PremiSys IDenticard System Vendor Ignores Security Researcher Findings

  2. fairlane

    Microsoft Wants to Kill Passwords, Starting with Windows 10

    I'm too old to do your research for you, since EVERY link you've provided is weak at best and wrong at worst so here;
  3. fairlane

    Microsoft Wants to Kill Passwords, Starting with Windows 10

    No, you basically can't. Any "references" you would be posting would be wrong. "Your guy" is the author of that first link you referenced. Again, there's no such thing as one over the other here; length and complexity are to be paired if your goal is to have a more secure passphrase. Using one...
  4. fairlane

    Microsoft Wants to Kill Passwords, Starting with Windows 10

    Yes, let me clarify; It's MORE prevalent now than it was in the past because more bad actors are now turning their attention to taking advantage of the now known ways of subverting the s7 protocol, but not as much REPORTING on it has been done, probably because no one likes to admit to being...
  5. fairlane

    Microsoft Wants to Kill Passwords, Starting with Windows 10

    That's NOT what your own guy says in the article; it's BOTH, THAT's what security professionals like Dr. Matthew Green from Johns Hopkins says, Bruce, Schneier says, Steve Gibson says, etc. Length is NOT more important, Length PAIRED with complexity is what makes it MORE secure, NOT length...
  6. fairlane

    Microsoft Wants to Kill Passwords, Starting with Windows 10

    Wait, what?? ......No dear, this works even against massive online cracking arrays... Straight from your own link: "I can't stress enough the importance of having length paired with complexity." --Which is what I said.
  7. fairlane

    Microsoft Wants to Kill Passwords, Starting with Windows 10

    It's actually both. password strength is provided by length and complexity, if you define complexity as randomness. The more random, and the more characters used, (length) the more secure the password is. (Of course, if that password isn't STORED properly, it's a moot point.
  8. fairlane

    Microsoft Wants to Kill Passwords, Starting with Windows 10

    OMG :shifty: SMS has been depricated for use as a form of 2FA for a reason. Also, it's not clear in the article that this is for local accounts, only Microsoft Accounts, which to me is bad for those who are trying to log on while on public networks that have portal pages where you land first. I...
  9. fairlane

    The Idaho National Laboratory Protects the U.S. Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks

    Two points here. One: Your ISP (if they care) can discover you are running a VPN, which may be considered suspicious. Two: How well do you trust your VPN provider, because you are trusting them with a lot. Also, if the government wants to spy on you they can simply monitor VPN exit points. All...
  10. fairlane

    The Idaho National Laboratory Protects the U.S. Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks

    US Senate Passes Bill That Would Create Pilot Program to Examine Using Analog Controls for Power Grid Security The US Senate has passed a bill that would establish a pilot program aimed at reintroducing analog security controls to the country’s power grid. The Securing Energy Infrastructure Act...
  11. fairlane

    VPN Blocking: How to Circumvent?

    I'm not aware of any ability that circumvents an ISP's blocking of VPN services. Unfortunately you are at the mercy of your ISP. Unless you can change to one that doesn't block vpn services, I don't think there's anything you can do. You would be risking being terminated from your ISP if you...
  12. fairlane

    Punycode Exploit the Newest Phishing Attack Scroll to page 7