Recent content by duhasttas

  1. D

    STALKER:Call of Pripyat DX11 Performance Comparison

    yikes wouldn't even begin to describe this heh
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    Tuniq Propeller vs. Thermalright Venemous X @ [H]

    Thanks for the review, I myself picked up the Venomous X just the other day :D
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    Which 1366 Mobo to get?

    ^ No real difference worth noting between those boards IMO
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    Could you help match up a dx11 card to my system?

    For further future proofing I'd honestly get a 5870 just in case you purchase a higher resolution monitor
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    Thinking about a new Vid Card, what to get?

    My experiences with SLI in WoW were horrible. Real pain the ass honestly disabling 1 GPU just for this game in order to get decent fps :\ I'd really recommend just getting a gtx 275 for your needs
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    Wait or Buy i7 920?

    Personally I just bit the bullet and am upgrading my pc from a core2duo to the i7 platform. Newegg open box deals were too good to pass up! My reasoning is that the i5 motherboards will essentially be priced around the same range :)