Recent content by Draklawl

  1. D

    What is your video card upgrade history?

    7800 GT 8800 GTS 8800 GT ATI 5850 GTX 680 GTX 680 SLI as of two months ago
  2. D

    Just bought HE-400's is a soundblaster Z enough to power it?

    My personal experience with a similarly power hungry headphone (Senn HD600) is the soundblaster Z series (even the ZxR) just did not do an adequate enough job for my tastes. It just didn't sound very good. The headphones sounded equally as good on my asus xonar essence stx sound card amp and my...
  3. D

    Ubisoft justifies its crummy PC port of Asassins Creed 4!

    Getting a steady 60 fps on it with my 1st gen i5 and gtx 680. Not understanding where all the hate is coming from.