Radeon 7870 Tahiti(aka 7930) for $220(after MiR) and free Sleeping Dogs(awww)


Jan 2, 2008
Found this while searching around NewEgg and thought it was a great price BEFORE the $20 mail in rebate, I never really count on rebates, but for $240(before MiR) with GTX 660Ti performance, this can't be beat. It also comes with Sleeping Dogs, which you can keep or sell to bring this down even further...Steam sale victim here so I will be selling it soon....

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131484&Tpk=Radeon 7870 Tahiti

Thank us mplogic!!! It's actually cheaper over at Superbiiz. I've bought from them before, they've been pretty awesome. It's actually cheaper there and as mplogic wrote with the coupon code HARBOWL it brings it down to about $230....http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=PC-787_2V3&c=CJ

Man these are awesome cards!!
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I wonder how the OC Ghz edition stacks up to these
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Hmm. Anyone able to download the rebate form from Newegg? It won't download here.

Edit: Nevermind my Adobe was messed up. Did a repair and it's working now.
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OOS, man I've been looking for a ~$200 vid card, but keep just missing the hot deals. :)

And a big fat BOOO to the hardforum redirects to Amazon. I mean really guys??? Can't you at least turn this off for the Hot Deals forum? Just a useless PITA! Unless Amazon is promising to price match all these other deals WE'RE NOT INTERESTED! Makes me dislike both Amazon and Hardforum, and none of us want that...
OOS, man I've been looking for a ~$200 vid card, but keep just missing the hot deals. :)

And a big fat BOOO to the hardforum redirects to Amazon. I mean really guys??? Can't you at least turn this off for the Hot Deals forum? Just a useless PITA! Unless Amazon is promising to price match all these other deals WE'RE NOT INTERESTED! Makes me dislike both Amazon and Hardforum, and none of us want that...

Speak for yourself!

Amazon pays commission to [H] and more of a percentage than Newegg ever did,they also do not pull douche bag moves like Newegg did when cutting [H]'s commission right before a big sale with out informing them.Amazon also does not tell you that a return customer is not as important as a new customer.

I would much rather support a e-tailer that in turn supports the [H]ard community then some other douche of a company that does not value return customers or their commission commitments and you can get to the original page through the redirect page if you pay attention.
Yeah it bugged me at first, but if it supports [H], and is only a slight annoyance(I open it in another tab, and open the Newegg link in yet another Tab, that way [H] gets a "hit" when it goes to the amazon, and I shop on Newegg), I don't mind it. Heck sometimes you do find a better price or combo over at Amazon.
OOS, man I've been looking for a ~$200 vid card, but keep just missing the hot deals. :)

And a big fat BOOO to the hardforum redirects to Amazon. I mean really guys??? Can't you at least turn this off for the Hot Deals forum? Just a useless PITA! Unless Amazon is promising to price match all these other deals WE'RE NOT INTERESTED! Makes me dislike both Amazon and Hardforum, and none of us want that...

Well, if your time is that valuable you won't be coming here and checking out deals. If you're just browsing this sub-forum because you got nothing else to do, then this wouldn't matter.

OTOH...if your time is valuable because you're browsing this at work....

And if you dislike this site so much...there are plenty of other sites to go to ;)
Well, if your time is that valuable you won't be coming here and checking out deals. If you're just browsing this sub-forum because you got nothing else to do, then this wouldn't matter.

OTOH...if your time is valuable because you're browsing this at work....

And if you dislike this site so much...there are plenty of other sites to go to ;)

But it IS annoying when you just want to check quickly if any new hot deal popped up and then have to deal with a redirect, I don't think anyone will deny that. Especially when the redirect has NEVER ONCE been to an equivalent deal, they're not really increasing any sales just counting hits and annoying users. Seriously has anyone actually bought the Amazon item that the redirect took them to?

I don't really care who pays who for whatever, I come to "hot deals" to find the current cheapest price among all the e-tailers, that's it.

I'm a firm believer of the "information should be free" line of reason and don't really see why any forum would suddenly need to make money on a service that they previously provided for free. Also any webmaster worth his salt should be able to turn a small profit (or at least cover operating expenses) on any site that has good traffic without having to resort to the sneakier tricks like redirects and pop-ups and such.

Like you said, there are plenty of sites that don't do this. I'm still here for now as it isn't that big of a problem but I see this as one step over to the dark side. Just don't want to see yet another cherished good source of information turn commercial and crappy. :)
Guys it takes may be one second to click the second link, I know information should be free but everyone has bills to pay, so why not just click the link again and be happy and move on. This is a subject not worth mentioning and not even worth the time debating. Click, go to the second page and click again, guess what your very important one second has been wasted. Sorry just had to throw my 2 cents in.
thank you mplogic, added that to my post...I got mine...I'm loving this card, but it's a bit warm, wish this had dual fans.
Would this be worth upgrading from a 6950?

Seeing that this card can achieve 7950 performance with minor overclock, I think it'll be a good upgrade if you want to stay at a single card solution. The price IMO is not bad at all for the bang it gives. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I'd get this but do not need this much power for the games I play, lol.
I bit....It comes with codes for Bioshock Inf. and Tomb Raider now instead of Sleeping Dogs but no rebate.... if anyone is interested in either, pm me.

edit: I guess I got one of or the last one as its OOS again.
Darn I would have loved to get Bioshock Infinite and the New Tomb Radier with this card.......might get another one to CFX and replaced my GTX670....
$35 bucks more you can get Bioshock Inf and Crysis 3 with a 7950 instead AR at Newegg
I wonder if I should cancel my order on this and go just go with the 7950 Stupac mentioned?
Loving my 7870 Tahiti, kills my GTX670 in Dirt3 and Sleeping Dogs...obviously the GTX670 dominates in everything else, but the 7870 Tahiti is an amazing card!
I wonder if I should cancel my order on this and go just go with the 7950 Stupac mentioned?

I know it's only $35, but unless you play @ 1440P or higher, I think that $35 is better put toward a nice SSD..The 7870XL overclocks like a boss, and 2GB is more then enough Vram for all eye candy and AA/AF @ 1080/1200P..
I know it's only $35, but unless you play @ 1440P or higher, I think that $35 is better put toward a nice SSD..The 7870XL overclocks like a boss, and 2GB is more then enough Vram for all eye candy and AA/AF @ 1080/1200P..

For $35 more I'd rather have a HD7950. Looking at the PCB of the this card and lack of goo d heat sinks and over all quality of build it looks like a way cheapened over all build.

Seem like the Tahiti HD7870 is a test run for future HD8XXX cards.I read somewhere that HD8XXX cards are going to be more affordable than initial HD7XXX MSRP prices were and think the new HD8XXX cards may have cheaper PCB design with the improved HD8XXX GPU to lower prices.
SonDa5 said:

Originally Posted by ccityinstaller

I know it's only $35, but unless you play @ 1440P or higher, I think that $35 is better put toward a nice SSD..The 7870XL overclocks like a boss, and 2GB is more then enough Vram for all eye candy and AA/AF @ 1080/1200P..

For $35 more I'd rather have a HD7950. Looking at the PCB of the this card and lack of goo d heat sinks and over all quality of build it looks like a way cheapened over all build.

Seem like the Tahiti HD7870 is a test run for future HD8XXX cards.I read somewhere th
HD8XXX cards are going to be more affordable than initial HD7XXX MSRP prices were and think the new HD8XXX cards may have cheaper PCB design with the improved HD8XXX GPU to lower prices.

Good point there..I never actually looked very closely at the PCB, but I agree if there is a massive difference in quality its worth the extra..If the 7870XL were to drop to $200 without MIRs, AMD would have a solid lock on the $200 market, which is a sweet spot for many looking to upgrade. .

Posted from Hardforum.com App for Android
$200 would be the HOT price zone for this card.

It may be a limited run. I haven't read of MSI, ASUS or Gigabye building any tahiti HD7870s.
The TUL Corporation which includes PowerColor, VTX3D, and Club3D seem to be the primary manufacturer of these cards. Their 3 cards are identical with just slight cosmetic differences but I think PowerColor is the sole US channel.


Also Sapphire is making one that looks to have an improved cooler but haven't seen any hit the US e-tailers yet.

No wonder they didn't make this a 7930, the free Tomb Raider instead of Crysis 3, etc.
It's been at newegg for a few days.

Better known as the 7890.
This is the one that SonDa5 is referring to. Pictures and specs confirm it to be a Tahiti LE (aka 1536 stream processors). Confusingly, Newegg labels it as a "7870 GHz Edition" ... the box describes it as a "7870 XT."
Darn you Fooshnik. Looks like I may be crossfiring 2 of these. ;) So much for my plans of going with nVidia this time around, just nothing close to the performance in this price range.