How angry do you get when playing games?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 29, 2008
Like do you get controller-throwing mad or can you keep calm most of the time? I rarely get mad or angry over a game. Dieing really doesn't bother me unless it happens a lot in a particular area. But I know people that want to throw their controller on their first death. So what about you?
It was bad when I was a kid. Troy Aikman Football resulted in a shattered Playstation controller.

Nowadays dying or losing doesn't faze me that much. I try to save often (STALKER, Doom III) just because I can't sacrifice the time to play through a game twice even though it's my first time playing it. Games that rely on checkpoints suck though. Dying right before the next checkpoint is a bummer, but I don't slam my fists or anything.

In multiplayer games like TF2, I might yell in excitement because of getting sniped or dying just before a capture, etc. It's more of a "I can't believe that!" moment. Not anger at all. Just the good nature of competition and such.
When my brother and I were kids, and had the original Nintendo..he was a controller thrower. Good thing they made those bad boys solid! Now a'days I get pissed. I grunt, I swear, but ultimately, I walk away and come back to it later if I'm that hard up to pass a level or area. If it's a racing game, and I can use my G25...I get really into it, but I never abuse my controllers or other equipment...I do get quite lippy, though.
i find myself getting insanely pissed in tf2.., good game, just lots of potential for a dumbass team
I might throw the controller but not too hard and usually on my bed or sofa. :p I also might handle the gamediscs violently, but not to the point of breaking them.
I get kinda mad during TF2. Most of the time its due to the other players on my team (i.e. balance issues when we have 10 snipers for example). Its like, WTF guys? Seriously?

Then I die due to the fact that I have to solo 4-5 players on the other team. That gets a little frustrating.

Crits from newbs as well. Walk around a corner into a crit from a guy who has done nothing all game. Wrong place, wrong time. I get pissed at that and end up hunting down the player for some domination action (same with enemy snipers....I will find you).

Don't really get frustrated or angry during single person games. A little disappointed that I suck or just got owned, but they don't raise my blood pressure like multiplayers.
I dont throw my controller or punch in my LCD. I just mainly curse and think about ways to find out who that player is and think of ways to kill him or his family members. Then I snap back to reality and take another shot of henny and get back to my game.
I almost threw my Sixaxis at LCD during another try to kill Radec. I just can't aim in this damn game. It's the last fight and it's frustrating me as hell, becasue if it would be on PC and I had my mouse and keyboard, killing Radec would be much easier.
Sometimes I get kind of worked up, but its like working on a car, its counterproductive to break the thing you're working on. If I lose it that badly, I'll go smack the punching bag until I get over it. Generally speaking, I play games to relax after work, the last thing I need is more stress. One of my friends gets really pissed off if he loses, if he could get the velocity on a baseball I've seen him get on a mouse, he'd be playing in the majors. Not much fun to be there when you beat him.
When I play DOTA I get real angry sometimes if I just end up on a losing streak because of bad teammates. Come to think of it, I get angry at any game if it involves shitty teammates that have zero clue what teamwork is.
in tf2 if i get sniped twice or backstabbed twice by the same guy i forget the team and go on vendetta. go after the sniper as spy or go after spy as pyro. i will bang my mouse down occasionally but after breaking a g7 and a diamondback 3g i dont do that much anymore.
PS3 - broke one of my Six Axis controllers
PC - bent my door on my Lian Li case, bent a 5 1/4 cover plate, broke two desks

And the amount of swearing and loud noises I make when lucky and incredible shit happens to me is quite excessive.
Never gotten mad at a game. Have gotten mad at my computer though. No damage though, cost too much to repair/replace. BUT perhaps a big difference is Im in my late 50's ...

OH just thought of something... when OB and now FO3 crash.. that borderline gets to me.. cause its a crash.. and especially when I got too involved in the playing and not done any saves
Typically when something out of the ordinary happens to me, I can be found saying, "WTF just happened?" to myself.
generally i don't get mad at games at all. i play PC games mainly for relaxation so if it starts to piss me off (ie. crysis) then i have no urge to play it. sure you get the odd few tards in L4D and TF2 but if it starts to annoy me i go to another server.
PS3 - broke one of my Six Axis controllers
PC - bent my door on my Lian Li case, bent a 5 1/4 cover plate, broke two desks

And the amount of swearing and loud noises I make when lucky and incredible shit happens to me is quite excessive.

You are an angry angry man.

Although, when I had a CRT, I have launched full force punches into the screen (the colors went all shimmery for about 5 seconds, but it was a tough mother). Don't think I will try that on my LCD.
holy god i wish i could record a friend of a friends WoW rage. his parents leave him alone most of the time but god forbid they ask him a question during a raid or an arena. its like the devil rises from the ground. i feel bad for her considering how nice she is and i'm afraid for the computer cause its in arms distance of his tantrums.
Street Fighter II Championship Edition on the genesis was real bad for me when I was younger. Nowadays, I only get mildly mad when I die... if at all. For example, jumping off a ledge the wrong way in WoW today, I laughed. However, dying to 5 enemies that spawned on me after a 1/2 hour sneak fest through a quest area... I certainly didn't laugh.

If I ever find myself clenching my fists or getting angry, I walk away from the game, or just turn it off. Life's too short to be stressed over a stupid game. I see the videos of kids losing it and I remember wanting to do things like that when I was younger. Sure glad my momma raised me right.

Gamers are more like sports fans than they care to admit. The competitive spirit lies in every gamer, although perhaps it lies more dormant in others.
I get pretty angry in TF2 sometimes. one special time I actually followed a guy to another server to kill him, lol.
I get mad, more so than I should.

I recognize that it's a problem. It's just a game, there is no need to get too frustrated over it.
CSS - people team flashing, blocking, people who do not use their radar, people who obviously are hacking but are cool with the community so its ok they are just good, and pissy admins.

TF2 - seriously not everyone needs to be a sniper or medic.

SF HD / SF 4 - game im most competitive in and pisses me off when i lose rounds i shouldnt haha

All these result in me grunting or cussing underneath my breath
Let's just say that years past in my youth when I frequented arcades nearly constantly (as long as I wasn't doing anything important, of course), I left a trail of bent joysticks from the times when I was "bent" myself at either:

1) Losing to someone for a stupid mistake I made
2) Losing to someone that was just better and I couldn't handle it
3) The stick itself was busted and non-functional for 100% accuracy
4) Needed to vent a bit soooo...

Or some variation of those 4 things. :) Buttons were actually tough to do much with unless you brought some SuperGlue, after which that made quick work of 'em more often than not. Useful in arcades with defective controls and the owner or the tech blows the customers off and doesn't fix 'em.

When I get done, they don't have any choice or nobody will play 'em... what with the 1 Player button not even working so they can start their games, or the joystick being bent off at a 30 degree angle.

Nothing pisses me off faster than an arcade that's ripping people off by not taking care of their hardware... I'll lay a path of destruction at a place that has such practices and they'll lose more money because of their laziness and greed.

*ahem* :D
The only thing I really get pissed about in TF2 is that I tend to die only by crits.

The first few times I'm OK with but when 9/10 of my deaths are from crits, I start cutting loose.
I smashed my xbox controller playing Project Gotham 1, the difficulty (or cheating) of that game is just uncalled for. Not sure if I suck at racing games or what but that game just drove me crazy.
I actually had to go and buy another controller.

I used to get mad and start swearing when playing Q3A back in the day, but these days I'm more calm especially since I have a son now (8 months) but I thought I should get used to being calm so I can master it for when he grows up.

These days if I die a lot in an area, I would shout "come on" in a loud voice but followed by a laugh. Calms the wife as well. lol
I rarely get upset at games anymore. If I start getting annoyed I'll find something else to do.
i find myself getting insanely pissed in tf2.., good game, just lots of potential for a dumbass team

TF2 got on my nerves, it's an amplified problem if you're an adpet FPS player because no matter how hard you try if your team is usless then you'll nerver win.

I don't really see the point in playing a round when it's obvious that you're going to get stomped into the ground, happens the round before, theres no autobalance between rounds so it's going to happen again, no matter how many awesome moves you pull off and no matter how good you are.

At least in a game like CoD4 or CS or BF2 you can go on killing people as long as you like if you're good enough you can take out a bunch of people and overrun a flag/area/objective and get headshots and win. TF2 has a really low ceiling for skill which is just lame.

I never smash equipment or throw things, I will occasionally thump my desk if I'm really worked up. Had a friend who squre on punched his LCD and basically killed it, I'm running a 30" that cost about twice as much as the average home PC, so Im very careful around my hardware even when angry :p
I can imagine some people might get really angry when they are a heavy and I'm a sandman scout and can take them down 1v1 :p
It's not just a game, it's your pride and dignity at stake here :p

I agree with Texas, but to answer your statement...I have no dignity.:p

I've broken too many controllers PS/Sega/Nintendo controllers when I was younger. What really sucked is that I would have to buy new ones if I couldn't fix them. Sucks when you don't have a job and have to mow the yard to get the allowance from my parents.

It's no where near as bad as it was when I was younger. Don't throw things any more, but may pound the top of the desk. Its always because I do something stupid and get myself killed in WaW mp. It really pisses me off when I keep doing it over and over again.

I'm sure the ADD doesn't help either.
I think getting beaten by my cousins at street fighter 2 for the SNES got me pissed off the most. the thing that set me off completely was when one of them got a perfect on me, after SF2 came out, all of our SNES controllers had things rattling around in them.
Yeah, TF2 and other online games can get me mad. More frustrated than mad, actually. I'll shoot people directly and it won't kill 'em and they'll shoot me 1 or 2 times and I'm dead. I hate people who jump and skip everywhere. I just won't play Unreal 2003 or 2004 any more because of how ridiculous it is...people jumping 100 ft. in the air who can pick me off with 1 shot but I can't hit them. Maybe I suck...I just refuse to believe they're that much better.

I've watched my son playing TF2 some recently, and I get tired of the assholes that are on there. I see people saying stupid stuff like calling him a redneck when he's using the mic. One person said something about being a Texan; we're Virginians darn it...get your verbal abuse straight before you say it!
i only ever get really frustrated when i die in a game and the last checkpoint or save was a long ways back meaning i lost alot of progress. that's the only time i get mad, lol. though i never get tantrums.
...I just refuse to believe they're that much better.

Are you the best gamer in the world?


Have you played on star teams in CPL (when it was alive), WSVG, or CGS?


Then why is that so hard to believe? I love coming into contact with people who are better than me, because then I learn and get even better.
I get pissed a lot.

Just played through Halo Wars on legendary, I get pissed when I fail with 20seconds left on the game clock, or i'm a couple points shy of a gold medal, or just over par time to complete the mission

Playing through World Of War on veteran now for the gamer points.. I've been stuck plenty of times in same spot.. I hate how they know exactly where to throw grenades.. damn AI in COD game, damn it to hell.. Shit, I'm pissed now thinking about getting my ass kicked in it..
TF2: got me pissed so much I stopped playing, just to many bad players. (Punched my LCD screen and broke it.)

COH: Dumb teammates who can't hold their line and later leaves after losing a few squads. ( Will yell at everyone in ventrilo lol..)

GTAIV: Cheaters, They are EVERYWHERE. (I will start yelling at everyone to kick the idiots.)

I cant remember which game I was playing but I was doing really good for once and my computer gives me a blue screen, yeah... Got pissed and busted the side panel on my antec 900.
if i'm sucking horribly at a game and getting my ass handed to me by other players online, i just remind myself that i'm married, i've felt a woman's touch and i'm not a single nerdy basement dweller that is likely the person kicking my ass, lol.

that usually makes me feel better, haha.