Game Music - Some Favs


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 6, 2004
So curious, what is some good game music to work to? Meaning it's pretty relaxing and good.

Currently I'm working and listenign to the Mechwarrior 2 soundtrack which is just so freakin good even this day. I can't really picture anothers game music that as epic sounding yet relaxing as it's score. Personally opinion: Might be the best soundtrack ever.

Also listenign a little to Silent Hill 3's soundtrack, Fallout, and some Final Fantasy while doing some work.

So what are some of your favorite "I can listen to it any time" game soundtracks?
Morrowind and Oblivion have some of my favorite 'anytime' tracks, followed very closely by Deus Ex.

And as strange as it may be, the Buy and Build music from The Sims. Good stuff ;)
Quake 2 has a killer heavy metal oriented soundtrack. It's great driving music for long road trips.

Other good game soundtracks are Myst and Half-Life 1 & 2,
Fable and Majesty are my 2 favorite game soundtracks. Majesty by a little bit.

Majesty was just all around awesome, wish there were an expansion.
The Half Life series has some really good music. It really helps to get the blood pumping during firefights.

Oblivion and Morrowind have some great music as well. The combat music can get kind of old, but when you're just walking around exploring it's really relaxing.
You know, I'd probably have more in-game audio that I like if they didn't all SOUND so clearly like the 22khz, 92kbps, mono tracks they mostly are.

One of the reasons some of games coming in 'gold packs' is interesting - a lot of them ship game soundtrack CDs that are pulled from the original source recording, and so are true 44.1khz redbook format stereo. It's nice.
Oblivion. Recorded in 192kbs 44khz stero btw, I checked.;) It's in Oblivion/data/music, the best is in "explore".
Oblivion's soundtrack is just beautiful! I love listening to it. Diablo 2 also had great ambient music.
Age of Mythology, and perhaps the rest of the Age series. Icewind Dale II, Final Fantasy Tactics.
Not a PC game but the Piano or Orchestrated soundtracks of Final Fantasy VI, VII, and VIII are pretty good to work to. Nothing harsh - just something to listen to without distracting too much

Baldur's Gate's soundtrack is okay but its more ambient than something to actively listen to.
Deus Ex
Homeworld - it uses Barber's Adagio for Strings, what's not to like?
The radio stations from the GTA games.
Old school Command & Conquer games.
Dune II

'nuff said. :p
All the music from the whole Unreal Tournament series...

Seriously, some of the music for the maps is amazing.
I usually listen to any of the Castlevania soundtracks that are composed by Michiru Yamane. The soundtrack to Shadow of the Colossus is excellent, too.
Jeremy Soule's work is great. Total Annihilation and Dungeon Siege have wonderful music.

The Freespace games had some good music. Interstate 76 had a great soundtrack. Medal of Honor games as well.
mechwarrior 2 had the best soundtrack EVER, nobody can deny this

after that, i like the music in Chrono Cross, Shenmue 1 and 2, Quake 3, Command and Conquer (and Red Alert), and Rome: Total War is good.
For me it's a toss-up between Suikoden III and V.

III had the more relaxing and laid-back of tunes, while also having some of the best (read: thumping) boss music of all the games.

V on the other hand has Norikazu Miura at the helm, so whenever Theme of Moonlit Night plays, you're off to la-la land. The locational soundtrack wasn't too bad either; a little short, but definitely beautiful.
My favorite game soundtracks are:

Hitman: Bloodmoney

I also liked the soundtrack in Need for Speed Most Wanted and Flatout 2, but those are more similar to "radio music in-game" than anything else.
I'm amazed that no one has mentioned one of the greats of game music.

Quake. Trent Reznor, of Nine Inch Nails. Still creepy. (Not as creepy as a mate leaving the Lion King OST in the drive, loading up Quake, and happily slaughtering away to "Can you feel the love tonight", though.)

Quake 2, as mentioned by another poster, is cool even if it's by Sonic Mayhem, not NIN. It's more like Karma to Burn that NIN, though. K2B rocks hard, so that's okay.
Katamari Damacy.

heh. Love this game and it's music but I think working would stress me out ;)

Thanks Eagle159 for the Oblivion directory. Didn't think to look in the game directory. I forgot I have the Diablo 2 soundtrack too. Need to pull that out.

Good suggestions people :D
Rocket Jockey (all dick dale soundtrack), and Quake 2, if you want even better soundtrack with quake2 get pitchshifter's cd, its awesome playing with that cd playing.
A lot of games have great soundtracks, but for me, very few of them stand up on their own. I thought the soundtrack to Half-Life 2 was damn near perfect, but never in a million years would I add it to my music collection. In fact, the only ones which have ever made it in are

Carmageddon (Instrumental version of Fear Factory's Demanufacture)
Quake (or at least it would've if I still had the CD...)
Hell March, from Red Alert
3/4 of the Beyond Good & Evil soundtrack

And I can play a handful of songs from Rome: Total War on guitar, so I guess that counts for something...
Any soundtrack by Jeremy Soule.


Total Annihilation
Supreme Commander
Knights of the Old Republic
Neverwinter Nights
Company of Heroes
Guild Wars
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War

etc, etc.

He's one of my favorite composers, and I got a chance to meet him at Play! in Chicago last year when he sat in front of me.
Megaman 2 had some good music

A good place to get game music is They have some really great stuff.
Sim City 2000 was the ultimate city feelin soundtrack.

I enjoy the Diablo soundtrack as well, and the GTA 2 radio stations are funny, but the Reggae station on GTA 3 tops em all. KJAH, such great stuff. I bought the CD of the group that does the songs for that station. they made the CDs for Vice City, but not GTA 3, so i had to hunt down the artist. Took a week kor two.

Good shit.
Warcraft 2, CNC: Generals and Dawn of War all have soundtracks that I listen to still.
Nothing quite like "building your hospital music" in Theme hospital

Midi for the win :D
Tom Clancy Rainbow Six and Raven Shield FTW.

Ghost Recon 1, Island Thunder, etc.


Best game music evar.

Command and Conquer, and Red also had pretty good soundtracks.

Warcraft 2 had some soundtrack songs I remember fondly, but I don't think I'd listen to them in my car.
mechwarrior 2, rayman, and i kinda like the stuff from need for speed 3 hot pursuit 1. if you enjoyed mechwarrior 2, you might like the original rayman's music score. it's completely different, but of the same caliber.