Sceptre x22wg-Gamer 22" LCD

IMO, What they meant is:

You can use 3 sources with this monitor:

--> VGA
--> DVI #1
--> HDMI (with HDCP ) ... --OR-- DVI #2 (using a HDMI-DVI cable) ...

I dont think they mention HDCP for DVI...

IMO, What they meant is:

You can use 3 sources with this monitor:

--> VGA
--> DVI #1
--> HDMI (with HDCP ) ... --OR-- DVI #2 (using a HDMI-DVI cable) ...

I dont think they mention HDCP for DVI...


yup...took me 3 hours to figure that out...i thought it was my software or HD-dvd drive....:(
I got an x22 from newegg and have been having problems from the start. Initially , i could not get it to work for more than 4 seconds on VGA from a laptop ( 3 laptops actually... )

It would just blank out. After a lot of testing and threats to RMA it, the VGA functionality started to work. However, i am unable to use it with my PS3 using an HDMI - DVI cable. The screen resolution (DVI) seems to be changing when i change the Display type on the PS3 or in Yellow Dog linux, but no image is displayed on the screen... [:(]

I have not tried HDMI only...

Any pointers?

I'm surprised you got yours to work at all. I had the same problem with my first one which I mentioned a couple pages back--video would blank out after 4 seconds. I ended up RMA'ing it back to Newegg for a replacement (which works fine). So considering your other problems and the fact that you started out with the problem that forced me to RMA, I'd think about sending your's back for a replacement as well.
Is it normal for the screen to flicker when I go from the ps3 menu to a game. The lcd monitor screen flickers blue and then flickers to the game screen with the HDMI 1080P text on the upper left hand corner everytime I load a game or movie. Just wanted to make sure this was normal for everyone and just not my monitor problem.
Is it normal for the screen to flicker when I go from the ps3 menu to a game. The lcd monitor screen flickers blue and then flickers to the game screen with the HDMI 1080P text on the upper left hand corner everytime I load a game or movie. Just wanted to make sure this was normal for everyone and just not my monitor problem.

those blue flicker is when you dont get video i am guessing when your ps3 loads something 1080P, it has to switch its your monitor will show blue....

that happens to me when i switch between xbox 360 and DVI or when i change certain settings for video output.

its perfectly normal....other monitors have black screens....this has blue.
I just got my monitor a few hours ago! its pretty freaking sweet compared to my 17 inch cRT. I am running it on max resoultion with DVI pretty crisp i have to say. I watched some videos on it i liked it alot there. tonight after my college courses i will be testing 360 on it, only thing the onboard speakers are bleh that and i have to get these USB ports on the monitor to work. But i do not have the USB In plug to do that :( i assume i can simply pick on of these up a raido shack or walmart?
K i got a question, whe n i purchase my 360 VGA adapter to hook it up to this monitor. How will i be able to use my headphones to produce the sound that is coming from the 360? i know the VGA adapter has the audio jacks do i put one of those in the Line In on the back of the moniotr and then put my headphones in the headphone jack on the left side of the monitor?
Nevermind i figured it all out. I have my lamp set to 0 and black lvls to 6 or 7 i forget. Pretty good stuff, i wish anime subbers made most of there stuffi n MKV format or make the aspect ration widescreen ! GAH
Can someone post their settings for when the monitor is on HDMI. I have my ps3 running through it now, but I think the settings can be tweaked with to make it look better. Thanks.
sorry i am not using hdmi :(

but i am wondering if anyone here is uging the max resoultion for just normal desktop veiwing?
Yeah, my desktop res is set to 1680x1050. Pretty good screen real estate at this res.:D

Ya it is quite sharp indeed at this resoultion, my eyes have to get used to it i was normally using 1280 by 1024 on my CRT. I think have a decent setup of my colors this is how mine are currently

73 contrast
5 black lvl
127 R Gain
129 G Gain
126 B gain
0 Lamp Lvl

not sure if i can get any better than that, i watch quite a bit of anime and moves and like to recline, i do have the normal stand as well. Pretty sweet deal and running CS:S in 16 by 10 mode with eveything on high in 1680 by 1050 is freaking sweet, the chars and everything else looks soo smooth.

I have not been on the LCD for a while i have not noticed ghosting yet that or really have not looked hard enough so i guess thats a good thing :)
Just purchased a Pinnacle USB HDTV pro stick and the picture if phenomenal! The picture is so crisp and its so worth it. It really brings out this screen. 1080i is the sweet spot. Gotta get HD on this screen guys! :D
jiggle, can you take some pictures of your monitor showing TV sources (with your USB HDTV thing). Also, be sure to take pictures from different angles in your room (from the corners of your room, maybe one higher from in the air, you know, ones to show more viewing angles).

Ill try my best to post some pics Mystic but won't be till Monday due to my cuzin borrowing camera for a wedding. Even with 1080i the picture from left,right,up,down angles shows some improvement as per the clarity but not too much. Still have to watch the screen dead on. I have the HD software running it in widescreen mode 16:9 1080i and 720p with a 7900gt and DVI input. Depends much on the local stations here in Phoenix, AZ. Some do broadcast in 1080i and some 720p. Looking forward to watching the NFL Division Championships on sunday. So far I've seen The Office,CSI,American Idol and Greys Anatomy and the picture quality is awesome! Standard Definition looks like crap of course. Better off watching that on the ol' boob tube. Here's a link to the HDTV tuner i'm running the Sceptre on. It's worth every penny. They have them on sale at best buy for $99.99
After about a week, I'm really liking this monitor.

Besides the slight backlight bleed while on a dark screen, I think the only other problem I can see is some banding. Most notably in Doom 3 engine games with fog and especially when light shines through the fog. It's kind of annoying since it was hardly noticed on my CRT monitor but I suppose I can live with it considering most everything else about it is pretty good.
Ill try my best to post some pics Mystic but won't be till Monday due to my cuzin borrowing camera for a wedding. Even with 1080i the picture from left,right,up,down angles shows some improvement as per the clarity but not too much. Still have to watch the screen dead on. I have the HD software running it in widescreen mode 16:9 1080i and 720p with a 7900gt and DVI input. Depends much on the local stations here in Phoenix, AZ. Some do broadcast in 1080i and some 720p. Looking forward to watching the NFL Division Championships on sunday. So far I've seen The Office,CSI,American Idol and Greys Anatomy and the picture quality is awesome! Standard Definition looks like crap of course. Better off watching that on the ol' boob tube. Here's a link to the HDTV tuner i'm running the Sceptre on. It's worth every penny. They have them on sale at best buy for $99.99

16:10 support?
How are the viewing angles on this TN monitor?

The same as every other TN. Not bad side to side imo, but poor vertically.

As for you guys discussing color settings, I did my best to get things right by eye until I could get ahold of my friend's Spyder2... and wow, what a difference actual calibration makes on this thing. Sceptre's factory "calibration" is pretty much completely worthless, and doing it by eye doesn't get you that close either. The RGB settings and gamma are quite a bit off at anything close to the 128-128-128 the default setting gives.

I set everything back to factory defaults, lamp to 1, and let the Spyder work... now I have great black and white levels, plus pretty accurate color. If you look at sites like Les Numeriques, you will see that CMO TN panels actually have very good color reproduction when calibrated - though this monitor specifically is not reviewed, others like the Acer use the same panel. Anything 1 or below is perfect, and anything between 1 and 2 is fairly unnoticeable unless you do this for a living. It also helps if your girlfriend speaks fluent french :) .

I recommend the Spyder2express for everyone, because it is cheap and gives basically the same calibration as the Spyde2pro, but just doesn't include some of the fun features. It will be the the best 70$ you ever spend.

Edit: To see the color comparison after calibration, go to "Rendu des couleurs apres calibration" in the third (bottom) menu.
After about a week, I'm really liking this monitor.

Besides the slight backlight bleed while on a dark screen, I think the only other problem I can see is some banding. Most notably in Doom 3 engine games with fog and especially when light shines through the fog. It's kind of annoying since it was hardly noticed on my CRT monitor but I suppose I can live with it considering most everything else about it is pretty good.

banding??...i thought this monitor did a real good job with color banding: see my post on the banding topic:

thats a screen capture of one of the toughest banding screensavers. and the sceptre did a fine job IMO.
just got mine on friday evening(ups guy says im the last on the route GRRRRRRRRRRRRR) anyhoo, just a bit over 24 hour review here. So far I love this lcd. Great size, weight, feels solid. Picture is pretty darn nice after calibration(although im not finished) I like where it is. Blacks are damn good in my opinion. HD looks awesome, hockey looks amazing. No banding issues of any sort here. I do have 1 green dead pixel in left corner bottom about 2inches in and 2 inches up from bottom, its not a bad place, if you had to have one.Pixel is not noticeable on gaming or watching vid/tv. Just notice it for example while browsing forums like this one with a black background. Im kinda anal about dead pixels cause the way i see it, i want something to be 100% if im spending this kind of money. I just may return to Costco to get another one, so I have time to decide if i wanna keep it or dump it. Xbox 360 looks fantastic, colors are very good, no ghosting that i can see. Back to pc, I did notice I had to crank mouse accel to max to get a good feel for moving the pointer across such an expanded area, but work just fine now in doing so. Still alot of testing and mucking about to do, but overall very very satisfied. Just 2 downsides I can see so far:#1 one dead pixel(yes im anal about this) and #2 not very forgiving in side viewing angles.

Oh yes, better figure an extra $29.99 + tax & title for the Neo-Flex stand, it is a MUST HAVE for this monitor. It is built well, heavy solid and sturdy. Glides with ease in positioning your monitor the way you want it. And holds it well in the position you choose, dont pass on the stand if you can help it. Well thats about it so far, time to mess with it some more.
If it is green, then it is a stuck pixel, not a dead one. Try running this little applet. It shifts all pixels in the window through the three colors very quickly. I had a pixel that got stuck during my first week and this fixed it in 20 minutes. No guarantees though.
well crap, let it run for 40 minutes, even tried the massage technique. Just might have to return :(
I just received this monitor and hooked it up to my ps3 via hdmi. the image is very ugly. at 1080p there is all types of color problems and at 1080i it is better but it still looks very problematic.

I have no idea if this is my monitor, my ps3, or my hdmi cable. any ideas on things i can try?

in general, i've been very disappointed with the monitor though. even if i get the ps3 working on it ok I think it is going back to newegg.
If i bought this monitor, would i notice a difference between DVI/VGA and HDMI with my PC? I want to spend up to $350 at the most and am wondering if this HDMI is worth it or not.

I would only be using this monitor with my PC, nothing else. Really not sure what 22" LCD to get. Help! :)
banding??...i thought this monitor did a real good job with color banding: see my post on the banding topic:

thats a screen capture of one of the toughest banding screensavers. and the sceptre did a fine job IMO.

Well I dont know what to tell you. There is indeed banding in Prey and on some desktop wallpapers I have.

Cropped piece of a wallpaper:

Notice the horizontal lines. They should not be there.

Prey screen:

Notice the lines in the fog in the lower part of the screenshot. As the fog moves it is riddled with banding lines and looks far worse than the screenshot shows.

If you know anyway to reduce the banding please let me know.
This monitor is extreamly nice. I have been playing Vanguard Saga Of heros on this , my Xbox360 and CSS all on max resoultions and it plays them flawlessly. No Dead pixels, no banding ( shocked some ppl here are complaining =/ ) 1 to 1 pixel mapping rocks to btw.

Only downfall to this monitor is the stand thats about it. Great purchase

also to the ppl who have having HDMI problems not sure what you are doing wrong but i got my friends ps3 hooked this up in matter of sections i was playing 1080i/p flawlessly on this. Also you do realise that this upscales to those resoultions right? ( hence this monitor only has 1650 by 1080 resoultion) but the 1 to 1 pixel mapping helps alot. 720p is flawless no problems there.

for the price and features of this monitor this has to be the best monitor i ever owned.
The same as every other TN. Not bad side to side imo, but poor vertically.

As for you guys discussing color settings, I did my best to get things right by eye until I could get ahold of my friend's Spyder2... and wow, what a difference actual calibration makes on this thing. Sceptre's factory "calibration" is pretty much completely worthless, and doing it by eye doesn't get you that close either. The RGB settings and gamma are quite a bit off at anything close to the 128-128-128 the default setting gives.

I set everything back to factory defaults, lamp to 1, and let the Spyder work... now I have great black and white levels, plus pretty accurate color. If you look at sites like Les Numeriques, you will see that CMO TN panels actually have very good color reproduction when calibrated - though this monitor specifically is not reviewed, others like the Acer use the same panel. Anything 1 or below is perfect, and anything between 1 and 2 is fairly unnoticeable unless you do this for a living. It also helps if your girlfriend speaks fluent french :) .

I recommend the Spyder2express for everyone, because it is cheap and gives basically the same calibration as the Spyde2pro, but just doesn't include some of the fun features. It will be the the best 70$ you ever spend.

Edit: To see the color comparison after calibration, go to "Rendu des couleurs apres calibration" in the third (bottom) menu.

Can you please elabrate on this more? like what are your settings now etc, how did you get it to this perfect calibration i wish to try it out !: )