Yahoo’s Ousted COO Walks With $58M

Most of these people are born and groomed into it. They were the children of CEO's, and thus become the CEO's. You really think daddy isn't going to pull a few strings to get his son in the door?

Incorrect. If you read books like "The Millionaire Next Door" and others you will discover the vast majority of millionaires are NEW millionaires. That means they weren't handed their wealth, but started up as poor people and worked their way up.
More like - 'no matter how badly you screw this up, if you perform worse than your wildest dreams, destroy the company and get fired, you'll still be set for life, then someone will offer you a board position because your resume says you led a Fortune 500 company and that's all that matters'.

These people never suffer any consequences. Its the good old rich people's club, once you gain entry it doesn't really matter what you do, they look after each other. They just like to tell you and me its a high stress job that deserves all that money.

People have been building and leading companies with their hard work forever. They didn't earn 1000x more than their workers, that's a recent trend which is increasing the income gap.

This is part of the problem admittingly with golden parachutes. And this is why a lot of payouts from golden parachutes are tied to performance based compensation. The better they do, the better their payout in the end.
Are we talking about the one we actually have or the crazy power hungry brain dead monster republicans imagine we do?

Okay then,

Name me ONE positive thing this administration has managed to accomplish?

As Ron White would say, "Go on. You have my attention."