Xbox 360 Carrying Cases


Nov 30, 2005
I searched and didn't find a thread like this so far, so here it is:

I'm looking at two carrying cases for my 360, the Intec and the Naki cases. Froogle linkage.

The Naki can hold the PSU, but the Intec might not. I can't find any descriptions of the Intec that acutally say if it can hold the PSU. Anyone have either of these? Any suggestions?
At the current state of things I wouldn't hall mine around in anything that gave people the impression it was a 360.
It's heavy man, belive me. Plus there's a ton of crap that comes with it (if you got the premium like I did, for free no less). I really don't want to carry around my 'Box in a backpack. Any real opinions?